Latest news postings and site updates
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By Chris
To begin with, I’d like to thank MC and Dickie who have quietly looked after this place for the past three-and-a-bit weeks whilst I’ve been enjoying the summer sun in Australia and Japan. The site mostly held together okay ...

Whilst I was away the primary Sound Vault mirror (circlehosting) suffered a hard drive failure, which has meant it has been unavailable for the past week or two. The server has been repaired, but it will take me a few days to arrange the transfer of the sound clips back to the machine. A further announcement will be made when this has happened.

You will have noticed that the daily show reviews have been somewhat less than daily. Despite recruiting and arranging access for the new reviewing team, it seems that the reviews are only being provided for Fridays. I’ll chase the team up today, and it looks likely we’ll suffer another round of recruiting. *sigh*

On a more positive note, there are a couple of new things coming soon. We’re going retrospective with a fond look back at both Chris’s early-bit and afternoon shows – and we hope to have a full and comprehensive guide to the show features posted soon.

Note: If you’ve emailed me over the past three weeks your message is sitting in a pile with 10,000 other messages. Once the spam has been sorted through you’ll receive a reply.