Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By fish heads
Adam wrote:Cool :) What did she reply back with?

"If you don't stop sending me these explicit texts I will have to block your number"
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By Sidders
She told me about this Harry Potter website she'd been looking at, and I just texted her to tell her that I thought it was an interesting site. She replied saying that it would be cool if Dumbledore isn't really dead, to which I responded that I still think he is, but liked the Dumbledore's Horcrux theory that they have on the site.
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By kendra k
since i finished all 6 of the books in 10 days, i've been consumed with potter hysteria. i've heard about the horcrux theory, but i'm not sure that it's spot on. fawkes, really? hmm...
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By Sidders
It could make sense though, the way he died wasn't consistent with an Avada Kedavra death. I still reckon he will be dead though, it's far too cliche for him to 'rise from the ashes' so to speak. Snape will definately turn out good though, if he doesn't I will completely disown all my Potter books and never speak of it again.
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By kendra k
you really think snape will be good? i think he'll always be enigmaticly torn, and eventually kill himself.
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By Sidders
I'm 99% certain he will turn out good. If Dumbledore was just wrong about him it will be absolutely pathetic.
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By kendra k
but it's totally possible that rowling will do that! to be unpredictable and stuff.
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By Quincy
emma watson now legal
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By Quincy
come on shes a dirty bitch you can tell
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By kendra k
have you ever read this article from the onion?
Maybe it's Harry's underdog qualities that make him so appealing. Or maybe it's the way wondrously magical things seem to burst from every page that makes the books so compelling to the likes of San Diego's Gary Minton, 41, who appeared as "Harry Potter Geek" on a recent episode of Comedy Central's Beat The Geeks game show.

"There's never been anything like Harry—it's simply a phenomenon," said Minton, creator of the "Unofficial Hermione Granger Fan Page" and whose house neighborhood children have been warned never to enter. "And the movie is perfect, especially the casting of Emma Watson as Hermione. She's even prettier than I imagined. I hope she reads the Hermione Granger fan fiction I sent her."
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By Quincy
nothing wrong with it shes 16
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By Lucie
EVERYTHING is wrong with it!
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By Sidders
She is fit though.
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By Betti911
You two having another lovers tiff? It'll be the first divorce soon!
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By Sidders
They'll need to get married first.
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By Quincy
good work sidla she is fit isnt she. now shes 16 its all fair game
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By Betti911
|S| wrote:They'll need to get married first.

Lucie wrote:
Quincy wrote:we are not friends :evil: :evil: :!:

Does that mean we're not getting married anymore? :(

sowwy am I not meant to tell anyone about that? :oops: :oops: :oops:
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By Quincy
dont speak about our engagement please
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By Sidders
Louise texted me again yesterday, but I didn't check my phone until about midnight, I texted her back and she replied saying she was off to a mates to get pissed. I replied again, but she didn't reply back to that. Should I be worried? I don't want to appear (or be for that matter) obcessive.
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By Betti911
Don't be worried. She's not your girlfriend. She prob has too much of a hangover this morning and it slipped her mind. Rem you are supposed to be her friend. If your guy mate went out without texting you back would you be worried.
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By Sidders
I'm not worried that she didn't reply, just slightly worried that I'm being obcessive.
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By Quincy
nah its cool to not reply to texts duh. eg if your flirting with a girl via textual message when you are near the end of the convo text her then when she replies just leave it then she will either do nothing (good) or text you saying why havent you replied (ok but maybe a bit obsessive, but an obvious indication she wants your *) or she will reply saying "did you get my last text?x x x xx " then "i just text you why aint u replying?x x x " then "dont you like me?????x x x " then "i love you why dont you love me " etc etc basically she is nuts if she does this avoid like the plague trust me
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By kendra k
this all sounds weird to me.
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