Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Betti911
Uni isn't the best place to find someone special. I went out with a Geordie guy most of the way through uni and when we split up I was gutted. It was for the best tho cause we were from different countries, had hardly anything in common and most importantly I'd have never met my current boyfriend who's the best thing thats happened to me. We've been together for just over a year now. He's a HUGE Rangers fan too Mafro. I've been to loads of Rangers games now even tho I don't like footie very much.

You're better just having a bit of fun at uni Gigglieboots.
Last edited by Betti911 on Sun Jan 15, 2006 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Mafro
Exactly, shagging about.
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By Betti911
I've never met a girl who shagged about and liked it tho Mafro.

My advice would be to join as many clubs as possble and meet as many new people as you can. That means you can go out on loads of dates and have your choice as to what guys have the pleasure of your company :)
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By Mafro
Betti911 wrote:I've never met a girl who shagged about and liked it tho Mafro.

I have.
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By Betti911
They were prob paid for it then.
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By Gigglyboots
I'm not getting paid for it, and I guess thats basically what I do. But its not complete randomers, I have a few people that I go back to now and again.

Man, I sound like such a tart.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
ha i'd stop talking now gigglyboots.
By David
Yeah you dont want my mum seeing that.... now then she works with your mum and all.
By David
mmm 4000 posts.
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By Gigglyboots
Hi David..

As far as my parents are concerned, I am the model student who enjoys the random drink in the pub. Heh.
By David
Hi Gemma...

As far as my mum is concerned, she wouldnt know how to get on the internet let alone find her way to this forum.

How is Aberdeen then? I seem to have left my accomodation in the hands of Martin for next year, could be good, could be bad...
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
aw its like a neighbourly talk over the fence.

Hi Gemma! Hi David!
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By Betti911
Gosh your gardens are looking nice this weather.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
and your bush is lovely.

too far?
By David
if there is grass on the pitch...

I think it's living in Shetland that causes the neighbourly talk.

And speaking of Neighbours... must dash!
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By Betti911
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:and your bush is lovely.

too far?

As long as you're not directing that at me young man :evil: !
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By Sidders
This is my thread you're hijacking!
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By Adam
Does Sidla trim his rose bush ?
By David
I'm sure it will get back on topic when you tell that girl how you feel
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By Sidders
It might have to happen this week actually, because I think the local blabbermouth knows.
By David
better coming from you than the local blabbermouth
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By Adam
Has this local Blabbermouth got nothing better to know? What a strange person.
By David
I think local blabbermouths tend to all be the same.
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By MK Chris
At least it puts pressure on you to do it - otherwise you'd never get it done. Just do it - you should have done it when she replied to your last text.
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By Sidders
He hangs around me because I'm too polite to tell him to f*ck off. I went out with a couple of mates on Saturday night and I thought it would be a brilliant oppertunity to share my woes with them. Unfortunately, for some insane reason, my mates told Blabbermouth he could tag along. I had to discuss it with them when he went for toilet breaks which was not ideal. Anyway, by the time it got to the cab home I was talking about it more openly probably due to alcohol. I never said who it was, but he started asking me questions afterwards that indicated that he did have an idea. I didn't confirm anything to him though.
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