Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Eddie
I'm married - that makes me boring, I know!
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By Sidders
No, you've always been that way.
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By Adam
Aw, Sidla - be nice. :P
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By Gigglyboots
I'm at university.. Which means that anything serious, is a complete no no.. I just have a lot of fun, with a few guys on tap.

I love uni..
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
I'm currently married to three women but looking for a forth.
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By Eddie
Sidla wrote:No, you've always been that way.

Why thank you Sidla, Iappreciate the comment. I'm touched.
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By Mafro
I'm currently seeing a great girl. She loves football, drinks beer, very hot & top heavy, it gets no better.
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By Gigglyboots
Mafro sounds happy. My guys are idiots. My ex rang me in the middle of the night saying he still loved me. So now I'm extremely tired and confused.
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By MK Chris
My missus drinks pints of Stella, I'm proud of her for it... She's more of a footy fan than me. I'm not into letting random people know bust size though. It's been over a year now, not bad for me.
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By Mafro
Gigglyboots wrote:Mafro sounds happy.

I am, probably the happiest I've been with a girl. Only problem is she's a bit of an Arsenal fan and her Ranger's obsession, she never shuts up about her Barry Ferguson boot and signed Champions League shirt. She can't be arsed buying the newest top though, still has one of the older ones with Arteta on the back.
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By Sidders
Topher wrote:My missus drinks pints of Stella, I'm proud of her for it... She's more of a footy fan than me. I'm not into letting random people know bust size though. It's been over a year now, not bad for me.

My potential girlfriend drinks pints of Stella too. We're probably both about equal fans of Leicester City (i.e. like to see them do well but know little more apart from that). In fact it's farily scary how alike we are actually, I normally fall for people who are completely opposite to me.
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By Mafro
Get her pinned, having a girlfriend is ace.
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By MK Chris
Ah but does she support the other 236 teams that you also support Sidders?
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By Sidders
I would gladly ditch them for her.
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By Mafro
Sidla, just bloody tell the girl straight to her face that you like her, that's what I did.
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By MK Chris
Take a leaf out of Chongster's book.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Mr Topher is your missus the one I have seen a picture of?

I had a night at the cinema cruelly cancelled last night. I guess Jarhead wouldn't have been too classy haha
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By Mafro
I forgot that I've actually seen a picture of Sidlas squeeze, can't really remember what she looks like though.
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By MK Chris
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:Mr Topher is your missus the one I have seen a picture of?

Not the one that was on my old web page, the black girl - she's long gone. The one who was on Baddiel and Skinner that time, leaning over to get in camera shot...

Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:I had a night at the cinema cruelly cancelled last night. I guess Jarhead wouldn't have been too classy haha

With a woman?

Post a pic in Private Sidders...
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By Mafro
Topher wrote:Post a pic in Private Sidders...

No chance of that, but if he does post it, he'll make you guess which bird it is.
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By Sidders
Yeah, the pic isn't a very good one, it's not close up or owt. You can't really determine how hot she is from it. I can't remember where it was anyway.
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By Gigglyboots
I don't know if I'd like a boyfriend, probably for that one person, for more than just a cheap bit of fun, but I don't really think you could trust many guys around here, different girl everynight..
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By Mafro
Sidla wrote:Yeah, the pic isn't a very good one, it's not close up or owt. You can't really determine how hot she is from it. I can't remember where it was anyway.

I'd look through my history if I could actually be arsed.
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sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]