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By Quincy
thats quite nasty to wind you up about it if they know that you like her
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By Sidders
I don't think they do.
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By Adam
Aw, dont worry Simon - forget it. I think thats really bad they were winding you up.

At least you were brave and asked about the bluetooth message, which has cleared up a few things.
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By MK Chris
Well she's going to react like that cos you haven't actually said that you like her. Now try doing the "the reason I ask is because I really like you and would like to maybe go out for a drink with you sometime soon, if you feel the same way?" Not word for word but that kind of thing.
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By Sidders
I thought that too, but surely the fact that I had to enquire must tell her something.
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By MK Chris
I'm telling ya women don't look at it that way. I was friends with an ex before I went out with her. Previously she'd told me that she doesn't hold back, she just comes out and says what she thinks... Clearly not thoughcos she didn't say that she liked me until I expressly told her.

Do it Sidders.
By David
I dont think women operate the same way as us.
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By Sidders
Goddammit if I need to understand the workings of the female mind I'd rather stay single.

There still does seem to be something funny about the whole thing though. I think Topher may be right.
Last edited by Sidders on Thu Jan 12, 2006 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Quincy
women are stupid. tell her in no uncertain terms how you feel
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By Sidders
I'll leave things running as they are for now. If her friends now know that she likes me it will only be a matter of time before something like this happens again, and then I will know for sure.
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By MK Chris
Quincy wrote:women are stupid. tell her in no uncertain terms how you feel

Don't tell her women are stupid though.

Sidders you're so frustrating... Don't wait for things to happen, you have to make them happen.
By David
Sidla wrote:I'll leave things running as they are for now. If her friends now know that she likes me it will only be a matter of time before something like this happens again, and then I will know for sure.

I spent 3 years waiting for something like that to happen... and it didn't.

Seriously, just tell her now.

You can run through all the pros/cons/reasons why she might like you/reasons why she might not as much as you want but it will just drive you nuts and you may never know.

and who knows... if your sucessful she'll still be driving you nuts, only literley.
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By MK Chris
When my sister was still at school she made friends with a girl in her class (bear with me, it's relevant). It turned out her friend's dad went to school with my mum - mum mentioned she fancied the gir's dad quite a lot and wrote it on her pencil case, etc. This message managed to get back to the girl's dad, who said he fancied my mum at the time as well and he was really surprised...

See who knows what may have happened if they had said how they felt - I might not even have been born... But on the downside they may have split up and it all come to nothing.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
so did they then get it on?

this is more interesting than sidders story. no offence sidders.
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By Adam
quincy seems to be a bit of stud on the south coast - learn from him
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By Gigglyboots
Tell her. Females are complicated. I wish guys would say it like it is, even if it wasn't quite what I wanted to hear.
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By Sidders
Gigglyboots wrote:I wish guys would say it like it is, even if it wasn't quite what I wanted to hear.

I wish girls would!
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By MK Chris
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:so did they then get it on?

this is more interesting than sidders story. no offence sidders.

Ha, no - he was a driving instructor, I have a theory about them... The requirement for working flexible hours provides a brilliant excuse to be out while they're copping off with someone else.

Do it Sidders.
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By Mafro
Just get her pinned Sidla.
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By Betti911
How's everyone else's love life? (giving poor Sidla a break) Is anyone else out their seeing anyone?
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By MK Chris
Yeah right let's make Sidders feel worse by all saying "I have a girlfriend/boyfriend and I'm really happy."
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By Betti911
Or look at it the other way Topher.... he may find out loads of people DON'T have partners and are happy.
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By fish heads
Betti911 wrote:he may find out loads of people DON'T have partners and are happy.

Like me. Which is obviously a great example...
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By Chongster
I'm also single at the minute, although there is a girl I like and I'm half sure she likes me, she's invited me to her birthday weekend in Newcastle tomorrow, so I'll have a few drinks, but not get drunk, then start making a move, obviously it could go one of two ways, we'll just have to see.
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