Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Frank
Spoon it out were the words in question on my last holiday on the Norfolk Broards with my good friend Mike. We had been having a lovely time until about five days into the holiday. I was down below taking a dump and Mike was at the helm! I had finished what I was doing and flushed the loo, suddenly Mike screamed down at me through the poop deck "What the fu*k have you been eating? All I can smell is sh*t!" I ran up to the helm to talk to him, he said that when I flushed the loo, all of my goodness had squirted out the side of the boat and created a dirty slick of pollution and an awful smell. I told him not to panic and that it just meant that the poo was full and needed pumping out. So off we went to find the nearest pump out station......

Upon arrival at the nearest pump out station we were greeted by the most buck toothed hill billy type that I have ever met in my life. He was a very funny person and had and the gift of unlimited poo jokes, some of which were brilliant! He came aboard with his mug of tea, sat down next to the poo pump cap, just like the petrol cap on your car and opened it........

He had poo on his hands from opening our cap but was not bothered and picked up his mug for a sip of sweet tea! Mike and I were in stitches but when he got off the boat and came back with a spoon mike asked "What are you going to do with that spoon?" Thinking he was going to stir his tea or spoon out the sh*t from out boat Mike asked "Are you going to spoon it out?" The guy nearly fell off the boat laughing and shouted back in a hill billy voice "SPOON IT OUT, DONT THINK IM GOING TO SPOON IT OUT, CHRIST, DO YOU HEAR THAT MARGE HE WANTS ME TO SPOON IT OUT!"

Thus making me pi** myself and nearly die laughing!

Fond memories of the Norfolk Broards..... 8O
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By fish heads
Are you sure you aren't mistaking this message board for a Blog?
By Jono
Oh please tell us more 8O
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By Console
No, for God's sake, DON'T tell us more. Won't someone please think of the children.
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By kendra k
it sorta reminds me of stuff j-ho and stevo used to post, only not as good.
By Sheep
Hmmm, so what did he actually have the spoon for then?
Was he really using it to stir his tea?
By Jono
Now I know why I avoid the Norfolk Broads
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By Frank
He was using the spoon to put chemicals into the poo tank. But I reckon he used it for his tea as well!!!
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By Sidders
Can someone summarise that? I can't be arsed reading that much.
By Sheep
Frank has dump on boat, dump comes out hole in side of boat and pollutes the water. Guy comes on their boat with a spoon, then they laugh at him cuz they think hes gonna spoon the crap out the boat.
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By kendra k

sorry matey, get better stories!
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By Sidders
Sheep454 wrote:Frank has dump on boat, dump comes out hole in side of boat and pollutes the water. Guy comes on their boat with a spoon, then they laugh at him cuz they think hes gonna spoon the crap out the boat.

Hilarious. :|
By Sheep
Yeah im pretty bored, must have been to actually read that in the first place.