Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By Tom Holt
Hi. Sorry if it's already been asked, but does anyone have a copy of the current tedious link theme/bed? The old one is on the bemoyles page but the new one is a bit more 'funked' up.

Thanx for your help
By Dopey
This Bed was created by diffusion (I think) and is not currently available more info is on here
By Tom Holt
OK, thanx for your help
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By Adam
Dopey wrote:This Bed was created by diffusion (I think) and is not currently available more info is on here

Yep, you think right.
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By Mcqueen_
It's been asked plenty of times before. Ought to be in the FAQs.
By Dopey
Mcqueen wrote:Ought to be in the FAQs.

Yeah but the trouble is that nobody seems to read it. as the guestbook posters think it's the official site!
By q
Always thought it was production library music. :?

is there a full list anywhere of the music used on the CM show?

Is the 'bottom theme' or old TL bed library? If so which track/artist and library can it be found in?
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By Mcqueen_
q wrote:Is the 'bottom theme' or old TL bed library? If so which track/artist and library can it be found in?

If you mean the bed that is currently used for the tedious link - read this thread and the links to other posts that are here. That will tell you it's not 'production library music'.

If you mean the original bottom theme you can download it from the bemoyles pages, but I don't know any more info on it.
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By Diffusionuk
Hello, in the grand scheme of things it was me what done it, I can't believe its still being gives me a titter every morning.

It may be possible to get hold of a copy; I flogged it to the good people at a while back however you have to be a DJ to subscribe to their discs are they are for promo use only!