The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues


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By Uglybob
oh i cant be the only one who has been utterly pissed off by the requests for bootlegs from these guests, most likely wankers from the BBC Board. So vote in the poll then to see if you agree.
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By gregs
if you do they will just sign up and make 1 post.

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good point but even though. they should still sign up so we can see who they are
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By Jonny Hoare
let them come in and get utterly utterly humilated

besides it's more work for the macdady harris. mainitain the staus quo
By Guest
Guests are just people with better things to do than sit at the computer all day like you bunch of saddos.

you should get out more, that way u wont be all bitter and twisted and moan about 'guests'.
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By Jonny Hoare
You have to admit bob- this fella has a point. My post sprees are ironic
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By Uglybob
no he hasnt. if this place has some resonance of order, humour and fun then people will come back. People dont want to read the same thing over and over again cos they were too lazy to read the other threads.
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By Jonny Hoare
take it from harris's point pof view. If there are guest there are 2nd class citizens anyway. makle it so that only members can start topics. Nice compromise methjinks
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By Chris
Guest can reply, members can start topics? Hmm .. not a bad idea.

What about a guests only forum and making the rest members reply + post only.
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By Quanny
Chris wrote:Guest can reply, members can start topics? Hmm .. not a bad idea.

What about a guests only forum and making the rest members reply + post only.

I quite like that
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By Jonny Hoare
No members only to start topics. Today's guests are tommorow's members
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By Jonny Hoare
Should have been a dash or comma between no and members, my fault

I started off as a guest to this board and lots of people have now joined
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By Uglybob
a guests only board would be pointless
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By Freddo
It would be a waste of time really, i like Hoares idea(only members can start topics)
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By Jonny Hoare
Thank you. Just proves that I am the voice of reason on this board...