Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here

Hi, I won the Seaman wig today but when I checked my hard-drive on pc, it hadn't recorded it properly. DO any of you have any of the show, such as the Avid interview and left it running? If you do, could you please email me and let me know what format you have - i.e. mp3 file etc. or a standard tape for a hi-fi. I can sort out postage etc. if needed. You'd be doing me a huge favour, thank you please.

By jimmy g
Ignore me.
Last edited by jimmy g on Mon Dec 01, 2003 7:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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By Dickie
doin avid's interview @ the mo
By jimmy g
Dickie wrote:doin avid's interview @ the mo

That's good.
By Ryang35
Kool u won the wig, do you know when you will receive it?
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By Totalmusic
Hi, After I spoke to him, the phone cut off, having not taken my details! They've got my phone no. and e mail address, I emailed them with the details a little while ago anyway, but hope it isn't just a gag-type thing.
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By Uglybob
gotta feeling its a gag
By jimmy g
Uglybob wrote:gotta feeling its a gag

A verbal contract is binding so you are entitled to it. If you don't get it you can always 'Ask Aled'.
By Sheep
if he doesnt can he bring legal action against chris/radio 1?
By jimmy g
Sheep454 wrote:if he doesnt can he bring legal action against chris/radio 1?

I think he could. However, some may question if it is worth it.
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By Totalmusic
Well, sister is a legal exec and mum is a secratary for a solicitor, so have connections, but I agree, is it worth it. If I was American, I'd be on pills for depression already and claiming how my life had suddenly turned crap since being snubbed by Chris Moyles. I would win about $2million and then future competions would have to run some sort of warning saying that, "It is at the discretion of callers to understand that this maybe a comedic event and there should be the understanding that we tell you that you have won, you may not actually get the prize, but you legally did win it. We just won't send it to you!"

Just had a thought, if one of the team read this, I could be back on tomorrow, but then again - last week, sure they've got better things to do with their time!
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By Totalmusic

Hi, massive thanks to James for sending me a clip. It'll be a proper crimbo now.


PS - I agree with the other threads - don't download proper crimbo, buy it! Otherwise it'll be another leather-clad :? Cliff Richard on TOTP beaming his 'angelic' botoxed face at us come the 25th. Say no, Cliff shouldn't be just for xmas, even that's too long for us to endure.
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By Adam
Ha legal action against the BBC. Whatever next
By jimmy g
It'd be like Status Quo.
By Ryang35
i agree too buy Proper Crimbo on dvd. and single.

and get Neil's Wig
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By Mr Dion
hope kendra doens tsee the post about americans!
By Aaron
For the record, I never said anything bad about Americans.
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By Mcqueen_
That was your first post in this thread so he wasn't refering to you anyway.

For the record i also did not say anything bad about Americans in this thread. I shall now go post this announcement in every thread i haven't say anything bad about Americans in aswell...
By Aaron
I said somthing about America and Canadians in another thread which is obvious (well it is now anyway) not this one.
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By Totalmusic
:D :D :D

Just in case any of you were having sleepless nights (or in anyway were actually bothered), Aled called me today (left message cos I was at work, but will ring again in the week) to get details and send me the david seaman wig. Hooray, and thanks for your support. It's been a difficult time obviously, not knowing if I had actually won or not, but without you (sniff, sob - oscar acceptance stylee) I wouldn't have done it. Thanks....

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By Adam
Oh god, please..

Look - a little patients wouldn't of gone a miss in the first place.

I'm sure its been a tough time for you.

May I suggest a match and some lighter fuel? :P
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By Sidders
Adam wrote:Look - a little patients wouldn't of gone a miss in the first place.

Why, is he a doctor or something?