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By Sidders
To be honest though it's hard to comprehend how anyone could hate America so much to be willing to sacrifice their own life in order to kill over 4000 other human beings. How can anyone think like that?
By MacGlumpher
Americans are stupid. All of them. In fact, the ony ones who aren't stupid are the ones who leave and become ex-americans.

I know some ex-americans from my school and they are like monks.
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By Mr Dion
i see you have thought through your post and rationalised things very well. one of the most intelligent posts i have read on this board
By MacGlumpher
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By kendra k
macglumpher, have you ever been to america? i wouldn't say that all americans are stupid, just a great deal. but then again, a great deal of britons are stupid (as seen on this message board). you give yourself too much credit, and that sir is american.

sidla, you're in a rather safe place and no doubt can't comprehend why somebody would hate america enough to kill themselves, but if you grew up in the wake of covert us involvement in government manipulation, starving, and poverty, maybe you would. it's not isolated to the middle east, nor islamic countries. why does north korea hate us so much? it's not suprising to me.
By MacGlumpher
kendra, if you're such a true american why do you have an English football badge as your logo thing?

I've been to america - the parents took us on a Disneyland Safari and then to Las Vegas, so I've seen it all probably.
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By Gigglyboots
Maybe she takes an interest in English football, like people over here take interest in the Basketball league thing (NBA?). I love the way you go to two places in America and you can completely judge a nation on the two glamourized fake places of Disneyland and Las Vegas.
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By kendra k
is it so wrong for an american to support a european football team? if so, i should tell all of my fellow americans that by some brit's standards we're all traitors or something.

disney anything and las vegas are only one side of america that is probably the one you want to hold on to as a stereotype. that'd be like me thinking all of britain is tudor houses castles as that's what i saw when i went to england. you are a bitter ignorant person.
By MacGlumpher
I heard the other day about some politician from the 80s who had a "Cricket Test" to test what country the person believed in. If they said "China" they'd never get to come to England to watch cricket or something.

It's the same with football. Those americans always say stuff like "if you like it so much why don't you live there!" ok?

And there's nothing fake about Disneyland, let me assure you!
By Bridgie
MacGlumpher wrote:I've been to america - the parents took us on a Disneyland Safari and then to Las Vegas, so I've seen it all probably.

really though, the same could be said for here.

you don't meet the mastermind champion selling hotdogs at alton towers - they work there for a reason :roll:
By MacGlumpher
What are you talking about bridgie? There's no Disneyland in Britain.

I don't know what mastermind is, but I can't imagine why they'd all want to work at Alton Towers.

Are you american?
By Bridgie
i really hope, just for your sake, that you're being sarcastic and that you're not actually this stupid normally.
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By Nablo.
No it would appear he really is this stupid or a lack of comedy on his part.
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By kendra k
should i use him as a sample of the idiocy in britian? i think he wants me to.
I think that's a good idea Kendra
By MacGlumpher
I'm no idiot!

You're the one who said the winners of mastermind work at Alton Towers!

For goodness sake - you people should try reading what you're written.
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By kendra k
well, if inteligence was based upon grammar you would appear to be less than genius... :roll:
All of a sudden the Sheep doesn't seem that bad after all
By MacGlumpher
What's wrong with you people?

It's the americans that are stupid, not me!

I might make a few mistakes but it should be them you are hating! Learn from history - they are traitors.
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By kendra k
why should you hate a whole group of people? you sound desperate and vengefull. get over 1776, it seems the rest of your country has.
By MacGlumpher
I don't hate a whole group of people - I hate americans.

They are not people - they are warmongering bloodlusting stupid animals with a monkey for a king.
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By kendra k
and what is your elected government doing? how is britain not america's acomplice?
By MacGlumpher
I'm not british.


I'm Irish -
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By kendra k
and the irish are angles...
By MacGlumpher
The Irish are as straight as they come - because they're Celts. Who's an idiot now?

You are - Miss Stupid - wannabe British - american K.