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yes its german man dj otzi (sounds like a german acne cream) with his hey baby song. this will get tommorrow in the charts im reliably told at NUMBER TWO. beaten by bob the builder. is this the first time the top two is filled with novelty acts. watch out his follow up is out too on import. its a cover version of doo way diddy diddy. cover your ears children.
By Guest
when i saw it was cdUK saturday no1 i honestly thought they were joking, and had made this bloke up. they looked as though they were about to laugh, and said something along the lines of "shame on you if you bought it" :)
am i lucky as i have ****-all idea of the song you are talking about i mean ive not even heard it or know the person whos done<br><br>i consider myself very lucky!<br><br> :P :P :)
radio 1 did a good thing for once by not playing it cos its rubbish. its a cover version of a song from dirty dancing (ask your mum poppy) and im sure if you listen to your tinpot local for three hours you will hear it about 5 times. i can honestly say this is the most god awful piece piece of crap ive ever heard. now lou bega mambo no.5 was novelty but it was fun. this is downright lowest denominator bilge of the highest order. the keyboard sounds like the same one they use for late 1980's quiz shows. and tell the german that the word is "and" and not "unt".
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