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By wannabe_mrs_moyles
sam mumba. hm. i don't know anyone famous called poppy  <IMG SRC=""> i'll have to be famous and then chris moyles can invite me on his show and then i'll get to present it with him and i'll get asked to do my own show! yay!
By Baza
Is anyone online? im bored
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By Roddy
what about poppy the cat from playdays?
By Guest
Wish it was Mumba but it's not!  It's not Calgas either.  It's Torney if your that interested.  :)
By Guest
Isn't it just?
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By wannabe_mrs_moyles
i saw the playbus on the motorway ages ago! peggy patch is the most annoying thing in history!
By Tom_Murphy
i've seen the rosie and jim canal boat on the basingstoke canal.
By Guest
Erg.  I hate Peggy Patch, she just thinks she's it.  Much prefur Poppy, even though she is a bit ditzy.  (No joke intended towards Mrs Moyles during that remark!)
By Ionic_Storm
I think the Teletubbies and the Playbus cast should have a fight....
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By Ben_Jammin
Nah what i want to see is Postman Pat kick thecrap out of Fireman Sam<br><br><br>Post Man Pat would win by miles!!!! he has his pussy to help too...<br><br>not to mention his letter bombs<br><br><br>
By Baza
Fireman Sam was the best. But i never actually saw him put out a fire.<br>
By Guest
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Donuts :P :P :P ;) ;D >:( :-* :( ;D ;) :)
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By wannabe_mrs_moyles
bob the builder vs. fireman sam? who'd win? bob the builder has a load of drills and saws and stuff but fireman sam
By Baza
If Bob the Builder can beat Eminem and Supermen Lovers, he can wipe the floor with Fireman Sam!<br> 8)
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]