Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By Guest
[table]<br>[tr]<br>[td][move]my computer's[/move][/td]<br>[td]sh1te[/td]<br>[/tr]<br>[tr]<br>[td]f*cking[/td]<br>[td][move][glow=green,4, 4]sh1te[/glow][/move][/td]<br>[/tr]<br><br>[/table]<br><br>i hate it.
By Guest
my head hurts i'm getting off the net. btw - painting the house with the prospect of money from parents may seem a good idea, but i think i'm * high, and my head hurts. aaaah. i shouldn't have posted this.
By Guest
yeah man it's wicked. i'm in the chatroom too. i bet you can guess who i am :)
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]