Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By Guest
this calls for a swearword check, here goes:<br><br>penis = p.e.n.i.s<br>dick = d.i.c.k<br>tits = t.i.t.s<br>massive mumbas <br>* = f.u.c.k<br>* = c.u.n.t<br>wank = w.a.n.k<br>shit = s.h.i.t<br>shite = s.h.i.t.e<br>willy = w/i/l/l/y<br>poo = p/o/o<br>plop plops <br>* = m.o.t.h.e.r.f.u.c.k.e.r<br>wobblers<br>frontbottom
By stevotrash
what the hell is happening? My eyesights gone funny. Love the board.
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By Lawrie
im not happy ive lost the picture of the sweedish chef along side my name im not amuzed >:(
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By Lawrie
iwould like to say im known for my huge ...ARSE everyone knows my ARSE.....i like looking at tits that usually always sit in my garden..... :P :-[ :-/ :-* :'( :D :) ;) ;D >:( :( 8) ??? :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
By Ionic_Storm
Mmmm... I think I like.<br><br>Remember, it takes alot to please me  ;)
By Guest
stevotrash you bender  :-*
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By Ben_Jammin
MY god!!!!!! can people stop replying to this !!! I clicked something wrong which i wish i hadnt and everytime someone replies to this i get an e-mail in my hotmail account, which i have to open delete then close which takes me 5 mins each time someone replies tot his!!!<br><br><br>[move]  GOD 2 MORE!!!!!! [/more]<br><br>show me some mercy show me some mercy lord!!!!!!<br><br><br>[move] GOD HELP ME!!!! [/move]<br><br><br>ok so just stop <br><br><br>ONE MORE!!!!!!!!!<br><br>END THIS!!!!!!!!!<br><br>[move] Pweaseeeeee [/move}<br><br>and another!!!!! god u people i mean !!! GOD
By Guest
what? if i reply to this, you get an e-mail ? ;) <br><br>i'll stop now  :D
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By Ben_Jammin
JESUS!!!!!!<br><br>Take pity!!!!!!!!! god stop it!!!!!!!
By David
Oh well - life's a bitch  :P<br><br>David
By Guest
bitch <br>slag<br>fat *<br>
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By Ben_Jammin
:P ha try all u want i have been saved from the e-mails by chris!!!!! ;D<br><br><br>bah hahahhahahahhhahahahahha ... i've had my moment :-[
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]