Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By David
My avatar works too  8)<br><br>[glow=red,2,300]HEH[/glow]<br><br>This board is the [shadow=red,left,300]BEST[/shadow]<br><br>[tt]Hehehehehe[/tt]
By David
What a mistakea to makea
<br><br>David  ;D
By David
a lot better than the old board and the "new" one put together  :o
By David
I really wanna be more that a * * craver....<br><br>I better start p0sting
By Baza
This board is the best so far. It has all the posts of the old one and the look of the old new one.<br> :-*
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By Ben_Jammin
[font=Verdana][/font]OOhh nice<br><br>Like it a lot but um what do all the buttons at the top do...<br><br>should be fun finding out
By Guest
just mucking about [s]and[/s] [glow=red,2,300]seeing[/glow] [shadow=red,left,300]what[/shadow] [move]I[/move] [pre]can[/pre] [center]do[/center]<br><br>[hr]aaah [font=Verdana]wobblers[/font] [email]poo[/email] [table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table][sup]bum[sub][/sub]321321[/sup] [tt]ner ner ner ner[/tt] <br><br>did you know you cant say the word damn on this board? that's * ridiculous :)
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By magenta
[sup]wooo[/sup][sub]hooo[/sub]<br><br>[move]:D [/move]
By Guest
[move]nice knockers[/move]<br>
By Guest
Me like much.  You've finally cracked it Chris - the perfect board. 8)
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By Ben_Jammin
He he he look at me go i'm just a 24 hour sex machine.... or am i working out...i'm not sure...<br><br>Probably both...knowing me ;D
By the_dr
[move]This is very very [glow=blue,2,4]COOL![/glow][/move]
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By Ben_Jammin
Ummmm. what the hell ? i dont undertsand these buttons and i want funny writing...Hmph<br><br><br>He He i'm still at it tho.. ;D :D
By Baza
[move]This board is<br>[shadow=yellow,6,8]THE BEST[/shadow][/move]
By David
Magenta - if that picture is you then all I can say is<br><br>
How you doing?
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]