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By Guest
Just a quickie (BEHAVE!)<br>New virus in town, i jut got it mailed me twice, heres the rundown on it:<P>I recieved it twice in 2 individual mails when i logged into my POP3 ntlword server.<br>the title was simply - medic1 (all lower case)<br>THERE WAS NO RETURN ADRESS!<br>The text said:<br>HI i just sent you this, give me feedback, thanks!<P>The attachment was scanned by norton anti-virus and turned out to be a code worm virus.<P>hope you never get it, but just to let u know incase!
By Tom_Murphy
i've had loads of the buggers, but never opened them. my worst virus so far has been ringworm in '98.
By the_dr
I think you may be talking about Sircam there. I've had about 50 copies of it now - just dont open it and don't use Outlook Express! It's a pile of crap.<P>the_dr
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By Stickyspanner
Daniel - if like me you keep your virus checker updated and do regular Windows Updates - then you can worry less<P>I`m using Outlook Express 6 and IE6 High Encryption - and I update my computer daily - I dont get troubled by virii (is that the right word?)<P>
I got the motherfukking Sircam virus - I commited the ultimate sin of opening an e-mail from someone I didn't know  <IMG SRC=""><br>But their are plenty of  programmes u can download to sort it out.
By the_dr
I don't use Virus Checkers. I don't use Outlook Express. I *do* use a firewall and I don't open executables from anybody. Simple.<P>the_dr
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By Matt
Win9x, WinME, Win2K are all crap. Use Linux and you'll have no problems (...he says using his Win98 box...)<P>M
By corneria
um... thats been about for ages. Its apparently 'the biggest virus of the year' but its not damaging much.<P>It was designed by japanese hackers to screw over the American goverment. They should make a movie about it me thinks.<P>The offical name is the Sircam Worm,  or something along those lines.<P>Enjoy! (I have no idea why i know all this)
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