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By Sanjay
I have a feeling Dan is going to start the "first man of the moon" conspiracy theories now  :) like there are NO craters on the moon yet the coverage shows there were,  the coverage of the event on video (where the sequencing and editing looked iffy and suspicious), and why the flag managed to stay glued to the moon, when in theory is shouldn't? the list goes on...<P>-Dan gimme! gimme! gimme! your conspiracy theories :)<P>If a television series is made out of this it's 90:10 from the word "GO!" Dan - just you remember that  <IMG SRC="">
Right this is what I think happened: OK I'm not sure about the people/dates but bear with me......<P>1967 - A Soviet guy called something like Valery Borzov(No he's a Russian sprinter who won gold in the 1972 Olympics; and no I wasn't born then but his name was something like that) space walks........<br>Now bearing in mind that this was during the height of the 'Cold War' when this was of huge importance to the West/East Bloc.....<br>Now the Americans were concerned about this 'one-upmanship' of the USSR - so the Americans decide 'Right we'll go one better and get someone planting the USA flag on the moon(that'll show those goddamn commies'  :)<br>But all these guys at Cape Canavaral and such like can't find a way to launch someone up and land on the moon....then the penny drops !!! why don't we go to the remote and unpopulated Arizona desert and fake a moon-landing??<br>This is a great idea !!!!! Basically at night the desert looks much like what we would expect the moon to look they film the 'moon-landing' there - and dare I say it....the place where they filmed it is very close to Area 51(whoops I'm getting into James Whale territory here) and everything seems 'swell'.<br>So to respond to this a few years later the Soviets have a man on the moon(allaegedly).<br>And u know what? to this day there has been 11 men who have 'walked on the moon' - now considering that the first moon-landing was in 1969 - 32 years ago...and how technilogically advanced we are compared to then - surely there would be 1000s of people who have walked on the moon - and also Neil Armstrong and Buz Aldrin apparently never talk about it; they always shy away from queations about it(probably because they have been briefed about what to say by the US secret service)...I mean if I had been the first man on the moon I would never shut up about it !!!!! All in all this is very dubious and I know there is lots of scientific data floating around the internet both for and against this theory....but in plain thinking; there are more arguments to  suggest it is fake then to say it did happen.
By Baza
What about JFK?<br>The Roswell Incident?<br>Area 51?<br>Other government conspiracies?<br>The truth is out there!
By Guest
very interesting stuff m&l fan.<P>what's your opinion on the videos of the landings and take off? Just fire some guys into the sky and show them going off, play the audio stuff, then later the video.<P>they'd have to either have a fake audio transmission to co-ordinate with the take off and landing, or get buzz, neil etc. to broadcast live form earth.
By the_dr
*burp*<P>I shouldn't have really opened this can of worms. I don't have great interest in conspirace theories for the simple reason that they cannot be proved either way. I find them repetitive and boring and usually spouted by crazy old ladies.<P>As long as you don't take anything seriously - it's a good laugh (and maybe 1 in 10 have some truth in them).<P>the_dr
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By Sanjay
Baza - Did a whole project in History about JFK.  Though GCSE's are "getting easier" so i suppose that doesn't prove that i know anything about it at all  :)
By corneria
1.Anne. Hate. Her.<br>2.Good.<br>3.Car/Personal Hooker<br>4.Digi.<br>5.Yup, I have one. I thought everyone did.<br>6.No idea, i'm as origonal as a potato
Yes we're going into the conspiracy theory territory of MR James Whale here.<br>But in a Charlie Wolf stylee I would like to repeat my point of view over nd over agian in exactly the same words as I did 5 hours ago(Sorry Charlie - u can't help being an asshole): Why if the first 'moon-landing' was in 1969 have their only been 12 people I think who have landed on the moon; let's face it; if they did really land on the moon in 1969 we would be doing tourist flights there in 2001 - it's all a load of bollox and a huge cover-up by the government of the USA and the former USSR.
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