Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By Guest
1. If you had to have killed either anne robinson or the welsh, which would you?<P>2. pasta. good or bad?<P>3. what did you get/are you thinking of getting for your 18th birthday?<P>4. do you have (i). sky digital (ii). sky normal (iii). or are poor like me ?<P>5. does anyone, other than me, not have a mobile phone? (out of choice)<P>6. what question would you chose for question number 6 out of 6? buggered if i can think of one . . .<P>cheers
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By Stickyspanner
1 - Anne Robinson - her wink is enough to furiate anyone let alone her whole personality.<P>2 - Hate the stuff - except for Heinz spaghetti<P>3 - a £1000 toolbox and tools for my job<P>4 - Sky Normal (on cable)<P>5 - I couldnt live without my mobile phone!<P>6 - Why did you write this questionnaire?<br>
By Ionic_Storm
1. Anne Robinson - The welsh are home to Helen and.. yeah! Anne Robinson.<P>2. Mmm, good, cheap and fills you up, and one of the many things I can cook!<P>3. 18th? 3 years time... err... I could go for getting a life by then  :)<P>4. Sky Digital (how is Analogue normal eh?)<P>5. I have a phone, dunno what it's for though.<P>6. On a scale of 5-10 (5 being pretty good, and 10 being amazing) how much do you like me?<P>Muhha!
By Everlast
1:neither because nothing gives me greater pleasure than seeing Anne roasting Americans<br>2:Has no taste<br>3:Ford Escort 1.4lt Bo Selecta<br>4:Sky Digital<br>5:Couldn't live without<br>6:How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.
By Cornishtw@
1,Since I live in Cardiff and have many Welsh friends it'll have to be Anne as much as I love her.<br>2,Three words:I'm a student.<br>3,Just another boring STD I'm afraid.<br>4,Normal through the cable.Soon to upgrade though<br>5,I do not own a mobile. "Hello is Jim there please"? "No he's out at the moment can I get him to phone you back?" Whats wrong with that?<br>6,If you were grass would you like to be cut every so often or left to grow free?
By the_dr
1. I don't mind Anne actually. But it depends if youre talking about the Welsh (people - some of which are alright) or the language (which is a load of bo-locks).<P>2. Good<P>3. Ask me in 4 years.<P>4.  <IMG SRC=""><P>5. WOW! You must be the only person in the world apart from me who doesn't own a mobile. I just don't have a use for one and neither do half the population by the sounds of it as exposed by Dom Joly's character and the Nokia-equipt, label-wearing gimps you can see in any school across the country (but especially in my school, so it seems).<P>6. What are your top 3 albums of all time? (Please answer this one!)<P>the_dr
By Guest
spanner's 6 - same reason you replied; boredom  :) <P>ionic storm's 6 - 4<P>chris' 6 - 12 (aiight ladies)<P>everlast's 6 - Bo selecta indeed  :)<P>cornish's 6 - left free man.<P>dr's 6 - (exactly my situation on the mob phone thing btw. i can see the use for people like cornish, but 11 year olds with caps and shout down mob phones annoy me, strangely enough  :) )<P> 1. radiohead - ok computer <br> 2. the verve - urban hymns (possibly unkle -psyence fiction instead)<br> 3. underworld - everything, everything<P> <P><br>
By Baza
1. Anne <br>2. good<br>3. love! (i wish)<br>4. poor  <IMG SRC=""><br>5. i dont<br>6. why have i been on this forum for 100 posts?
By Ionic_Storm
Did I not say a scale of 5-10? Meaning that 4 is void  <IMG SRC="">
By Guest
whoops wasn't meaning to dis you cornish tw@. I got the wrong end of the stick. <P>I meant :that there is a great use for them for some people. thought, 11 year olds with caps, and mobile phones, and shout a lot (middle class ****s who pretend to be ****neys) ****  me off a lot. <P>i agree with your your point before though. now i've read it correctly   :)<p>[This message has been edited by Monkey (edited 21 August 2001).]
By the_dr
My arse Baza. I have seen your mobile (the one time you brought it to school).<P>the_dr
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By Lawrie
mobiles..all i hear are mobiles "ring ring" they scream all i hear all the time in my head in the street in the terraces everywhere they are annoying i dont care what a nokia arse3245 they are pointless annoying little turds that are plastic are are just plain stupid and cost bucket loads when you could buy much more alchohol and cds for the amount you spend on mobiles.....DRLOZBAKER is going for a lie down
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By wannabe_mrs_moyles
1) anne<br>2) good<br>3) clone of chris moyles<br>4) poor like you!<br>5) how old are you!? i have a phone<br>6) is there life on mars?<P>i can annoy people with text messages so i like my phone, if anyone wants to be annoyed with text messages please post your number here (now, how many people will do that?)<P>
1 Anne Robinson(Very close decision though)<br>2 Good(Only in macaroni cheese)<br>3 I got money<br>4 No my family is poor.<br>5 I have a phone only to be cool.(Yes I am that shallow)<br>6 How many of you have honestly felt attracted to someone of the same sex - as I feel most people have but can't overcome the social stigma attached to it.<br>6a If I may sneek an extra question in; sort of following on from Poppy's question:<br>Were the moonlandings fake??????in particular Neil Armstrong in 1969.(I am positive: Yes).
By Guest
i think buzz aldrin should have dressed up as a ****ing great monster / chimp , and, as they were being filmed and sending the images back home, pretended that monsters/chimps from the moon were attacking them. then when they got back home said "only joking!"<P>what larks they could've had.<br>
By the_dr
If there is no air on the moon - how could the flag have been moving around in the wind?<P>the_dr
By Guest
good question. I think. . .it's because there isn't "no air", it's just the air is very thin. such that not enough oxygen would be available, thus requiring astronauts to wear suits & breathing apparatus. that's why. . .maybe.  :)
By Baza
If you fast forward the video of the landing it seems they're just walking and the film is just slow.<br> <IMG SRC="">
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By My_name_is_Nobody
The X-Rays which exist outside of the Earth's protective atmosphere would have wiped their film so the photos could not have been taken on the moon and brought back.<br>Aaand ... the light in the photos is wrong - it stops too short of the horizon considering the position of the sun.<br>What was the question again ?!
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