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I don't care what anyone else sais - this is the greatest album of the 90s.....and I don't care what anyone else sais - Thom York is the greatist Lyricist/Musician since John Lennon..So there!!!
By Guest
****ing right on mate.<P>i listened to that album solidly for about a month whilst on holiday and after i'd got back. was great for evoking memories. lucky is one of my favourite all time songs and the tourist used to be. i cant/dont listen to it much anymore because i've worn it out.<P>lovely spectrum of complimenting songs, with the only song which isn't excellent being fitter happier, which isn't exactly a song anyway.<P>not the greatest review ever but i cant be arsed. it's a friday, we've all had something to drink.<p>[This message has been edited by Monkey (edited 01 September 2001).]
Nice one Monkey !!<br>Yes we've all had something to drink - and when I have something to drink I always dig out my old CD collection !<br>I can't actually speak highly enough of this record....It makes u wanna puke all this bubble-gum pop...yuk!
Actually a CD single that i JUST DOWNLOADED WHICH IS ALSO EXCELLENT....Whitetown - Your woman.....4 years on and it still makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.
By Guest
i heard that the other day. been wanting to hear that for a while because m&l played that for ages at the height of their success, and at a time where i usually  caught parts of the show. they now refuse to talk about it. . i think. cant remember , but i thought i heard them say, or be quoted as saying, that.<P><br>
I actually never listened to M+L on the breakfast show...but apparently the story is that in 1997 they had Whitetown as their usual record of the week - but then everybody liked it; and they started playing it on every show on Radio what potentially was one of M+L's usual records of the week(number 104 on the singles chart) turned Jyoti Mishra from Derby into a number 1 artist.  Apparently he only recorded it on a 8-trck cassette recorder.
By Guest
yep, heard he made it on his computer in his bedroom.i should be watching that programme about ediburgh on ch4 and going to bed. driving lesson early tomorrow. watch out pedestrians, your going down.
Why is it when some * wnker whizzes past u at 100mph your driving instructer reminds u that you're doing 32mph ?<br>It doesn't matter what * maniacs are around u the driving instructor will allways pick YOU up on something.<br>PS: Talking about Wnk....U would swear Missy Elliott sais 'W@nk me off - show me what u got etc.' and not 'Break me off'.<P>PPS: Cider is beeeeauuuuutiful !!
I thought it was 'Work me off'.<P>OK Computer - I haven't listened to it many times, but personally I prefer Kid A. I will have to listen to OK Computer again some time though...<P>Monkey - forget about your driving lesson and get in #r1!<P>the_dr
By Guest
the thing with driving instructors is that they cant just allow you to make simple observations and questions as kind of small talk, as i like to do, they have to answer you with textbook regurgatated crap that they speil out to every **** they teach. they launch in to giant ****ing monologues about things in such a curcumlatory way, and the learner driver (me) is sitting their thinking that it's all down to practise anyway so shut the f*ck up, biatch. i cant wait until my mum is able to afford insurance for me, so i can learn to drive without the pressure some driving instructors put you under.<P>i know they work strange and often long hours and it's a ****ty job. but it annoys me. <P>ps - guinness is great<br><p>[This message has been edited by Monkey (edited 01 September 2001).]
By Guest
the song creep got them that reputation ages ago. it ****es me off that they cant lose it, as that was their first hit song of their first album, of which they now have five.<P>try listening to the following tracks: airbag, lucky, just, blow out, idioteque, the tourist.<P>not boring, most are very catchy once you've listened to them a few imes and manage to "get" them. depressing, nope. i reckon: comforting & evocative if your feeling bad, anthemic if your feeling good. dull, depends on what floats your boat i suppose - if you think so fair enough. father ted dissed me. best episode? hmmm. how about the hitler one, or the one with all the priests on the plane. <P>
Father Ted = Class<P>The Radiohead episode with the depressed priest was excellent. 2nd Best Comedy Series ever (1st is obviously Blackadder).<P>The Idioteque track is probably the best Radiohead tune. Very Kid A.<P>the_dr
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