Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By Ionic_Storm
Sorry if this is spam, but:<P>I need to keep the web hosting side of the business running, and not die. Now the only way I can do this is to offer a competitive spec and price to go with it. Quite simmply, we can't cut it at the moment, so we want to move somewhere, where we can. But this is costing us more than we can afford. If we can secure so many customers to signup for it, we can buy the server and offer the service.<P>If anyone is interested in an account with unlimited webspace, AND unlimited bandwidth for only £100 a year. Can you email me, at, or ICQ me on 126337112.<P>Thanks.
By Mike
Post the spec's of the server... featrues, connection etc etc...<P>Don't get your hopes up though as I have access to a RaQ4.<P>
By Guest
hehehe, poor old mrs.moyles.<br>dont worry, i dont think u'd be missing much (no offence ionic storm, i dont mean it like that)<br>
By Ionic_Storm
With access to a RaQ4 I wont even bother  <IMG SRC=""><P>Just check out the very UNinformative site, <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A>  - it's going through a huge change at the moment.
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]