Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By winker
Trying not to say too many cliches, but is "it's what you put into life what you get out of it" true?<P>An honest question that is puzzling me at the moment. All thoughts appreciated.<p>[This message has been edited by winker (edited 20 August 2001).]
No that's a load of b*llocks.<br>I live a normal life and I'm always nice to everybody(apart from absolute t*sspots) and my life isn't brilliant.<br>The thing is u shouldn't wait for everything to be handed to u on a plate; but having said that u need luck/chance and a fair share of both.<br>All in all life is completely random - it doesn't matter how much u give; u never get your fair share back....and why do so many assholes have really good lives(Chicks,money etc).<br>I think I'm rambling - perhaps that is due to my alcohol intake.
By Ionic_Storm
Oh no, Mark and Lard fan is making sense  :)<P>No, you don't get anything out of what you put in, so I don't bother anymore, I want to be a selfish git. I just let life live itself, if I meet someone, get killed or whatever, well there you go.. I've learnt not to try, cos 9 times out of 10 it hurts more that way.
Wahey! after 62 posts of absolute drivel someone finally sais I make sense!!<P>
By Everlast
Winker thats the type of thing that Tommy Boyd would say. Your to young to be thinkig about what you get out of life
By Baza
This is too philisophical for me. Im getting confused.<P>Whats the meaning of life?<br>Are we alone?<br>Why am i wasting life typing this? <br> <IMG SRC="">
By winker
Cheers people. I not trying to be all high and mighty, just been reading a few books, and observing the sort of prople who seem to have 'everything'. <P>To be honest I'm the sort of person who doesn't think good or bad either way. What harm can come thinking slightly more positively?<P>Just remember this nugget of info:-<P>It's better to try, and maybe fail than not to try at all.
By Guest
-when you aim for the stars it's a long way to fall.<P>-lets kill everybody and let god sort it out.<P>-to infinity and beyond.<P>these are all the quotes i can remember. hope they help.
By 4ereal
You should love life more than the meaning of it. You're just comparing yourself to other people but you dont see the troubles/fears they have in the same way that an african could worldnt see your fears/troubles, only the good things you have....right? MOst of you sad ****s are happy living a life that has no meaning because all you wanna do is get drunk and have sex and conform - that is why people have mid-life crises because they get to 40 and realise they've done nothing. I'll never have a mid life crises because i know that life isnt about sex/drink, it doensnt have a meaning, but would having a meaning even change the way you behaved? Whats the meaning behind having a meaning? The only human right is to do as you damn well please and the only consequence is responsibilty. When you're in the pub next friday just think about how alcohol is counter-revolutionary, any government is happy for you to be so drunk that you cant see the superficial cracks in its make-up. You just have to try to make a difference, or kill yourself. I wanna kill ever person who has ever lived the hedonistic lifestyle, only through hate can we create stuff that survives our generation. This generation is useless. I hold no hope for it. <P>
By Guest
hmmmm.....  Baza's right, this is far too philisophical.  Just live and let live.
By Baza
At last, im right about something!  <IMG SRC="">
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