- Fri Jun 15, 2001 11:00 am
Mark Pinkham - big man on campus......good at everything, teacher's favourite, 4 A's, basketball captain, etc. etc. did my bloody head in. No juicy details because he never put a foot out of line, too big for all that.<P>John Hutchins - School Captain. He is a nice guy, i must admit, although a little bit too enthusiastic about EVERYTHING. No, the striptease doesn't surprise me - it's for charity so Saint John will do anything. Ask him about the scout association and he'd go on for hours, he does pantomines and stuff with them i think. Can't really think of any juicy stories coz he was school captain so never really strayed.<P>No offence, but these guys are the cream of the crop from my school - they did get into oxford. So, juicy stories are gonna be pretty thin really. I'm sure I remember something about John but i'll have to check it coz it could be quite damaging and I may be wrong. I'll let you know...<br>