The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
Chris had celebdaq guru Paddy O’Connel on the phone. Chris’s shares are going down and he’s a bit upset about it. He’s also got to completely revamp his portfolio as all his shares are rubbish. They campaigned to get Dave on the share list, even though he’s pretty much never been in the papers. Chris appealed to everyone to buy shares in him so his share prices go up.
Yes the daft girl was on again, Fiona lost again, how come we always love failures, it just makes you feel so better about yourself, doesnt it. Matt won Viaduct and this time he got some prizes. Fiona tried to sway Chris by saying she had a dream about him last night and Chris took her off the air to hear about the dream. It turned out to be a damp squib, so to speak.

Matt wins (could have this been a way as to not give out prizes for 3 days, mmm)
Linkin Park Meteora
Craig David Slicker Than Your Average
Red Hot Chili Peppers By The Way
Gareth Gates LIVE DVD ( I misspelled this at the start as Gareth Gates LICE DVD, might have been more interesting than him singing)
Madonna American Life
X-Rated 200 Rudest Songs Ever book
Madonna Swept Away DVD, you know that one that really bombed in America because it was so poor that it never got released here.
Thankfully new contestants on Monday

Chris has a new parody. Wahey!, Its Flies Undone by Rob Williams. Dave reckoned it will get them a Sony nomination next year. Nope, it probably wont but do you actually care anyway, Ross has it sewn up.

Chris shares in Celebdaq
3500 Gwyneth Paltrow
2500 Noel Gallagher
1000 Liam Gallagher
105,831 Chris Moyles

Chris rang up Ray Stubbs through the BBC Internal Phone System. He said he uses it and says Whinger and Lawro picks up the phone. Tomorrows Footie Focus will have Sven Goran Erikkson and Noel Gallagher. Chris is going to the FA Cup Final with his girlfriend because she is a Gooner.

Daves Tedious Link
Duran Duran The Reflex - a reflex in the world of geometry is a type of angle - angle is an anagram of angel - angels have wings as do seagulls - The Seagulls is the nickname of Brighton and Hove Albion who play at the Withdean Stadium - Withdean is the perfect way to describe skater Jayne Torvill during their legendry Torvill and Dean heyday - Heyday rhymes with Mayday which is usually when anti capitalist run amok through London and demonstrate - Demonstrators wave banners - David Banner was the real name of the Incredible Hulk - Hulk Hogan shares the same name as the actor Paul Hogan who was married to his Crocodile Dundee co star Linda Koslowski - The reverse of lowski is Skee Lo who had a big hit with I Wish - I wish David Seaman would get his haircut and moustachied highwayman like David Seaman is not the only person called that name, there is Dave Seaman, the DJ who was one half of the combo Brothers in Rythym - Which links us to Brothers In Rythym with Such A Good Feeling
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]