The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
Chris played a montage of all the Leeds and Arsenal goals in the match yesterday which Leeds won 3-2 to stay in the Premiership... and Ian Harte scored too!!! Chris ruined his Feeder singalong yesterday as he was too busy watching the Leeds match that Sky had installed backstage for him. Grant wasnt too impressed with Chris for not coming on. Chris also missed the White Stripes too and he complained about them because they were too loud and he couldnt hear the telly. There is something intensely wrong about all this.
Chris was peeved off that Scott Millls could do his show from Manchester filling in from Mark and Lard at 1pm. The hotel was like 30 seconds from the Manchester studio. Aled stayed in Manchester at the weekend but decided that the hotel that Radio 1 had booked for all the crew and presenters wasnt good enough. Aled decided to stay at the more swanky Mal Maison.
There was a game you could have played today called the Amazing Game. This could be played any time Chris sees a gig or a guest. Chris overuses the word Amazing in ridiculous amounts, maybe im bored but I counted 11. Rick Witter, from Shed Seven, joined Chris on the phone trying to promote their gigs this week, surprisingly not sold out, he says with a tongue placed firmly in cheek.
Chris had a game called Guess Who was Trolleyed in Manchester at the weekend. Dave suggested Lizzie and he was correct, Will was correct with his guess of the Breakfast show Producer Count Drunkula and Tim from Accountants who stayed up till half five this morning.

Jingle Justin Timberlake Day (Funny that on a Justin day, they didnt play any NSync records)
As a way of flimsy excuse, Jingle Justin on Justin Day was in Leicester Square, London and was giving away guff from the office and nothing Timberlake related. Courtesy of Justin, he wanted to go on a pub crawl. Jingle Dan left an hour ago with a lady friend. Justin was womanless standing in London wearing a pink cowboy hat, starsky and hutch sunglasses and a badge saying Kiss Me Im Irish. Justin threw in a kiss into the mix but that sort of deterred anybody to turn up, apart from a female but then found out she was only 15 so jailbait.

Viaduct The Revenge
Matt VS Fiona (a complete thicko 19 year old, quite laughable really, Aled gave her four of the answers but she couldnt get past the third question, she called Chris mean but he retorted and said that he gave her four of the answers, shes doing her A-Levels, God help us all, she hasnt a hope in hell!). I was going to write the questions out for this but theres no use because she hadnt a clue. It just goes to show how thick the people who ring into Radio 1 and get through are that they have to give them the first four answers.

Daves Tedious Link
KLF 3am Eternal - 3 Am is what time the 3 AM girls get up to do their make up - Make up is popular within the female and transvestite fraternity - Transvestites shares some letters with Transformers who are Robots in Disguise - Disguises are what Michael Jackson uses so that people dont recognise his children under their veils and blankets - Blankets combined with sheets are made to make bedding - The bedding in Lee from Blue's house must be constantly in the wash as a result of him being a serial bed wetter - Bed wetter rhymes with Red Setter which is a type of dog - Dogs have wet noses as do seals - Seals are very good at doing tricks with balls as does David Beckham - David Beckham works in Manchester and Manchester was the setting of yesterdays One Big Weekend which saw live performances from The Stereophonics, Feeder, White Stripes and Badly Drawn Boy to name but four - And before one of his songs, Badly Drawn Boy dedicated it to Joe Strummer - Which links us to The Clash and Should I Stay or Should I Go
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]