The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
Boy Hair Ellie joined the team as the phones and tea maker. Chris said he bought the Everton shirt that Dave got yesterday but it was a genuine signature by Wayne Rooney. Chris tried to piss Dave off by saying it might be someone elses signature. The team congratulated Celtic on their fine win last night against Boavista, which means they are in the UEFA Cup Final against Porto. Aled went out last night to Corkeys leaving do. Dave had some strong export lager downed with a bottle of wine. Producer Aled didnt have a woo woo last night and had a spring champagne *, he has never drank a pint, though he has held one for a photo. Chris said that Aled drinks girly drinks but said that he compensates it by drinking vodka. Aled has more decorating to do at the weekend, lilac blue or terracotta (browny, reddy one). Aled said he wanted all his mates to help him. Aled said that he is very slow at painting though hes never painted (yes you find out the logic there).
NEW IDEA - Aleds Ballads - Aled chose Phil Collins and Against All Odds but Chris cut that track off in the nick of time. Chris said that Liam Gallagher owes him an interview after meeting him for the first time last year at a TOTP special. Chris said he would ask him questions noone has dared ask him before like what his favourite colour was.
Chris was suspicious as to why Matt Barbet was still hanging around the studios bearing in mind he is the Breakfast Show newsreader. Chris asked him if he had a row with his wife. Matt was still about at 5pm complaining that Chris has Thierry Henry and Ronaldo in his Leeds team on the football on the XBox.
There was a leaving do tonight for Roachie, cameraman and producer in Newsbeat, and it was someone from Radio 1's birthday party. Chris and Dave couldnt make up which one to go to so they found the perfect answer: just go home and not go to any of them.

Misteeq joined the team for the new Viaduct : The Revenge. For just this once, you can play along as I write out the questions
1. What is the plural of hooter?
2. Busty Brighton Model Katie Price is better known by what name?
3. What do you get if you put the words wide and mouth together?
4. What is the first name of Tony Blairs wife?
5. What word do you get if you put the word Air and Port together?
6. What does the K stand for in the initials JFK?
7. The Radio 1 Breakfast Show is hosted by Sara who?
8. Lee, Duncan, Simon and Anthony are collectively known as what?
9. Who had a big hit in 1988 with Joe Le Taxi?
10. Name a small French dog with curly hair?
11. This is what students live on Something Noodle?
12. This is what you get in the hole in the wall, rhymes with hash?
13. Whats the plural for the word Johnnie?
14. On Valentines Day its traditonal to send you loved one a dozen what?
15. Name a famous type of assorted chocolate that come in different coloured wrappers Something Street?
16. What do you get when you put together the words Ian and Harte?
17. According to the papers, this footballer is on his way to Spain for 38 million?
18. What is the name of our producer who is on the way to Spain?
19. What is the plural for the word tight?
20. Boys wear underwear and girls wear?
21. What do policemen wear on their heads?
22. What boy band are reportedly signed a lucrative deal to be the faces of Pepsi?

Will wasnt at work today because he was going on a romantic weekend with his girlfriend to Barcelona. This made perfect material for Chris as he rang him at ten past five and kept him on the phone for about 10 minutes or more in a feature he called Wheres Willy. Will was still at the house doing last minute packing. He did eventually get into his airport taxi which was a flash silver Mercedes and Chris asked anyone who saw a silver Mercedes to honk their horn, Two people did eventually though it might have just been Wills car.
Chris claimed to have another exclusive play before Pete Tong got his hands on it. It was by the Big Beat Sabateurs with their take on seaside classics such as Ive Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts and Summer Holiday. Pete was impressed by the Coconuts and wanted to play it as an ironic tune.

Daves Tedious Link
Stereophonics Just Looking - Just looking is what blokes are allowed to do to other women when the girlfriends arent watching - Watching was a 1980's comedy set in Liverpool which starred Emma Rae - Ray Reardon was a famous snooker player much like Willie Thorne - Thorn In My Side was a big hit for Eurythymics - The Eurythmics were comprised of a duo including a small Scottish lady much like the Krankies - Krankies rhymes with hanky - Hanky is what you use to blow your nose - Noses have holes in them as do donuts - Donuts are round like a steering wheel - W(heel)ill Young likes hats as does Dave Pearce - Dave Pearce isnt on after us tonight, instead its the usual Friday night man Pete Tong - Pete Tong has snogged Vanessa Feltz - and when Vanessa Feltz puts on weight it must make the clothes that she bought when she was thinner stretch - Which links us to Stretch N Vern with Im Alive
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]