The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
The team replayed the 'I look like Wayne Sleep Get Me Out Of Here' clip from yesterday's show. Chris and Dave all thought Aled's screams were both hilarious and pathetic at the same time. Aled received his Jaffa Cakes which had been very kindly sent by the Jaffa Cake people, but Chris was a bit peeved because they only sent 3 boxes.
Filming was going on around the corner from Radio 1 and Chris sent Dave out to try and see Celebrity X. Dave got there and found no sign of any celebrities or any filming. The celebrity in question turned out to be Shane Ritchie, so I can only assume they were filming Eastenders. Chris told Shane to phone if he was listening, but they didn't hear from him.
When Chris played the Madonna single, Aled was rapping along during the rap section. Chris told Aled to do it on air, and he did it surprisingly well, only tripping up a couple of times.
Yesterday Will went on a ‘recce’ to Sheffield to check everything out about the Justin Concert. Chris is really looking forward to going back up north for it. He claims the north is far better than the south and has a go at Will for being a poncy southerner. Will however is proud of his southern roots, but less proud of his grey roots in his hair presumably.
Will and Chris informed the audience that the team this year will be going to Cardiff, Leicester, Leeds and a trip to Spain, before any of them have actually been announced. The Spain trip hasn’t even been organised and budgeted for yet. I don’t think radio one management are going to be very happy.
The team had a load of Jaffa Cakes that were rapidly disappearing. The culprit was named as Aled and Will was nominated to go and wrestle them off him. Will won and the Jaffa Cakes were rescued.
The big boss at Radio 1 Mr Andy Parfitt was touring the studios with some high powered guests, causing the team to go all giggly and nervous, much like you would at school when the Head walked in, bless ‘em. Yesterday there was a big argument about the news. Chris was talking to George and Sport Monkey ‘David Gorilla’ when George sent David out to do some work mid-link. Chris got really angry about this as its his show and only he decides what goes on during it. Consequently George was off today and Lyn read the news. David was back at 4:30 but a still smarting Chris insisting on humming and playing tumbleweed sound effects every time he spoke throughout the sport news. Was very funny!

Emily, a truck driver, was a mardy cow, just got her divorce through today, aged 23.
Gavin won The Abduction Club on DVD, Atomic Kitten CD, Third Box of Jaffa Cakes, Goldfrapp t-shirt and more Energy drinks

1. What do you get if you put the words Bum and Face together?
2. Radio 1 potentially award winning saturday morning show is presented by Edith Bowman and Colin Who?
3. Gobby American who starred in Celebrity Fame Academy, Ruby Who?
4. Furry things that are worn on the ears to protect you from the cold are Ear What?
5. Nubile rusky double act and outstanding supporters of lady love are Who?
6. Former jungle celebrity and lesbo comic (allegedly) who is at home in the bush is somebody Cameron?
7. This two word phrase means authentic or genuine something Fide, rhymes with Rhona?
8. Common name for Andrew rhymes with Randy?
9. Which christian name links Appleton, Imbruglia and Cole?
10. Complete the title of this movie _____ Cassidy and the Sundance Kid?
11. Which member of the team took part in a jungle challenge?
12. This is how you how you spell ABBA, Something BB Something?
13. Complete this line Eh its me, somebody Byrne?
14. Complete the name of this well known character Sweet SOMEBODY Adams?
15. This is the American word for Arse, 3 letters, rhymes with Gas?
16. According to the papers , this young celeb is in rehab, Jack Who?
17. Which surname links Aled, Tom and Kelly?
18. Complete the title of this well known film about Whales, Moby What?

Chris played that awful record from The Androids called Do It With Madonna. At 5pm they put off David Garrido by playing tumbleweed again with Big Ben chiming and distorted his voice with a lot of echo. Chris said that Jonny Massey and Georgina Bowman are in detention. Chris said he was responsible for Lisa L'anson and Clive Warren getting sacked because they looked at him funny.
Chris played Im A Celebrity music for another Aled challenge, or so Aled thought. Chris asked him to put his hand in a box and pull the thing out. Aled was relieved to find an Aberystwyth Town top.
Chris decided to give the team an age test, as featured in todays Mirror. Daves natural age is 50, Chris was 39 and Will was 47.

Daves Tedious Link
Zoe, Sunshine On A Rainy Day - Zoe is the christian name of the former Radio 1 breakfast show host Zoe Ball - Zoe shares her surname with Bobby Ball - Bobby Ball is mates with Tommy Cannon - Cannonball Run was a top film starring Burt Reynolds - Burt Reynolds has a moustache as does Tom Selleck - Tom Selleck starred in 3 Men and a Baby alongside Ted Danson and Steve Guttenberg - Steve Guttenberg, in my opinion, was instrumental in the success of Police Academy - Police Academy was situated in a fictional institution and were entirely not real and in that respect similar to Star Trek - Trek rhymes with Feck which is an Irish word meaning Crikey - Crikey rhymes with Pikey and if you take the Y off the end you get pike which is a type of freshwater fish - Fish can breathe underwater as can Patrick Duffy (5th mention of Patrick Duffy in Tedious Link) - Patrick Duffy shares his surname with Billy Duffy and Keith Duffy - Keith Duffy is an actor now like Michael Caine - Michael Caine shares the same surname as Sam Kane who used to play that gay hairdresser in Brookside although actually in real life he isnt gay at all and is married to Linda Lusardi - Linda Lusardi used to be a topless model and the world of glamour photography which involves cold studios and hot lights to create that party atmosphere - Which links us to MC Lyte and Cold Rock A Party
sexiest bird in neighbours

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