The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
Completly wrecking what Bob said underneath (sorry Bob), I've done a review from memory, which is why it's so short, but I think all main events are down here. May I apoligise for the general shortness and crappyness of my reviews over the past few weeks, especially to Bob whos had to sort it all, but very very limited internet access is my excuse. However all should return to normal next week.

Chris started the show talking about the fact that today is one of many of his and his girlfriends anniversaries. This is the anniversary of them 'seeing each other' the second time around. Apperently they were seeing each other, then had a big row and fell out, and this time last year was when
they sat down and talked through their problems and decided they were going to start 'seeing each other' again. The anniversary of them actually becoming boyfriend and girlfriend isn't until September, before them it was a part time basis, until Chris got fed up of his mates saying 'Is this your girlfriend', and Sophie got fed up with him quite happily saying 'no, we're just seeing each other'. Now, I know it's my problem and nobody else's, I know it's nothing to do with me, I know she's sweet and nice (she'd have to be to put up with Moyles), and I know I need counselling or more likely, locking up. But I hate her. I'm sorry, it's not fair, but I can't help it.

Dave talked about the fact that his girlfriends narked at him (again!) for not buying her an Easter Egg. He says he didn't realise he should have done, he thought they were for kids.
Dave: What's Easter for anyway?
Chris: eh?
Dave: What's it all about? It's just a commercial thing isn't it?
Hysterics from Chris and Will
Will: Dave, its a very important religous festival!

Chris and Will procieded to explain to Dave all about Jesus and what happened at Easter. He didn't know the story about the fish and bread either (you know, the feeding 5000 one, I forget it's 'official' name) despite 'thinking' he did GCSE Religous Education. The whole thing may have offended some people as Will worried about, but I for one thought it was hilarious.

Another 'Dave's Dictionary Defination's' today. Dave: Cricket bat, verb, a type of stocky, burrying
australian animal resembeling a small bear
Chris: Dave, thats a Wombat

As I mentioned on the message board, it seems Will might be nicking features from other radio stations. He played a game today called '2 degrees of seperation', very similar to a twist on '6 degrees of seperation' that Richard Bacon revealed as a new feature on his XFM show on Sunday. Now they weren't exactly the same and it could just be a coincidence, but one does wonder, Guilty or Not Guilty? Ooooh, it's more exciting than the Millionaire trial. Maybe. The idea of the game was for Chris and Dave to guess the two 'degrees of seperation' between Will, and snogging Tamsin Outwaite. It turns out that Will's girlfriend snogged Simon Pegg while she was at college, who snogs Tamsin in 'Final Demand'. This lead to alot of teasing directed at Will (but then what doesn't), mainly Chris asking if his girlfriend and Simon Pegg had slept
Will: No!
Chris: Are you sure? I mean no offence but your girlfriends not gonna win the nun of the year award is she?
Will: [laughing] Stop it! No, it was just a fling
Chris: Was he a good kisser
Will: I didn't ask
Dave: Its funny this, because this feature could lead to one degree of seperation between you and your girlfriend Will

Throughout the show Chris played little trails saying 'The revenge - Viaduct is back - and this time it's serious' For those reletively new to the genius that is Mr Moyles and crew, Viaduct is an old feature of theirs they used to play everyday. I'm not even gonna attempt to explain it, you'll know soon enough.
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]