The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
Chris and the team were brainstorming for new features last night. Some of the ideas were Dingo Bingo, Marti Pellows Magic Minute, Farm Academy, Shame Academy, Top Tramps (this always comes up every brainstorming but never materalizes) and BBC Fight Club which would involve Will picking a fight with some engineers at the BBC club around the corner.
Anyway, all in all, they came up with around 40 new features that they will be trying out during the next few weeks. The Daniel Beddingfield song reminds Chris of a scene from the Wedding Singer. Chris had acquired the audio from the scene and was about to play it when Will warned Chris that it contained a lot of
swearing when it got to the heavy metal part. Chris told Will and Dave to fill while he checked it. To fill, Will told Dave it had F’s, B’s, C’s and all sorts of colourful words in it. Chris told the pair that they’re crap at filling. Meanwhile Chris had sorted the Wedding Singer audio and it didn’t really sound anything like the Daniel Beddingfield song.
One of the first new features is ‘Dave’s Dictionary Definitions’. The idea of the feature was that Dave read out a dictionary definition and completely screwed it up. After he’s finished the definition Chris corrects Dave. After the debut, people who completely missed the point of this potential award-winning feature emailed in to point out that a monorail is not in fact a verb, but a noun. Chris had a rant because these people are too thick to listen to the show.
Chris talked about the Marine serving in Iraq who shot 2 bullet holes in his helmet and the assuming reporters thought he'd escaped enemy fire. He's son got to meet all the Everton players until he confessed that he wasn't actually a war hero. Chris thought it was hilarious.
After playing 'Beautiful', Chris commented that Christina Aguilera is 'mucky'. This sent Will off into hysterics for some bizarre reason, he said it was because mucky was a northern word and it didnt sound right in a Surrey accent like his own. This decended into a very strange link with Chris and Dave repeating mucky over and over, while Will laughed his head off. I worry, I really do.
Chris thrust another new feature, possibly the best of a bad bunch called My mum is younger than Will. Arthur, 8 had a mommy aged 31 called Sophie and a little girl called Christina Aguilera who replied yes and no to every question. Dave and Will both agreed that Chris had no rapport with the kids. This came with camp titles music.
Chris sang No decent chorus and No decent lyrics to the new T.A.T.U song. He absolutely hated the new song. Chris said that its annoyingly catchy but in a rubbish way. Chris said that the new Justin Timberlake record has a sound like a supermarket announcement tannoy.
Jingle Justin returned with Celebrities in Chris' House with Atomic Kitten. Quite dull and Chris called it a work in progress. Chris was wrong in that he guessed that the new R Kelly song would be a ballad with a gospel choir. Chris and the team couldnt make out what he said at the very beginning. Will got it nearly right and decided to say it himself in a fake American accent.
Chris stood up to the people criticizing Robbie Williams for only getting to 43 in the Billboard album chart in America. In America they release it the same day as it gets played on the radio whereas here we get the songs 2 months beforehand so you can automatically guess whats going on terms of promotion.

Daves Tedious Link
Ash - Ash are from Northern Ireland as is Jimmy Cricket - Jimmy Cricket is famous for wearing hats as is Colonel Gaddafi - Daffy Duck has a lisp as do the Spanish - The Spanish are legendary sailors - Sailor rhymes with Taylor as in John Taylor who was in Duran Duran - Duran Duran are from Birmingham as are UB40 - UB40 took their name from an Unemployment Benefit form - Form shares many of the same letters as the word firm, one word not to describe Lisa Riley - Lisa Riley shares her surname with Mark Riley who is better known as Lard - Lard likes football, used to play in a band and play guitar and probably had long hair and in that respect you could say that he was a bit like Bob Marley - Which links us to Bob Marley and No Woman No Cry
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