The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
Chris had a very busy weekend involving plenty of alcohol. Chris went to see Leeds play at the weekend with his mum. After the game Chris offered to give his mum £100 if she got on to the Spurs team coach and tell them how well they played. Chris’ mum replied £100? Not a problem!”and she got on the coach and shouted “Well played team!. A voice came from the back of the coach saying “Off the coach please, Mrs Moyles”. Chris wasn’t sure how the person at the back of the coach knew it was his mum, but he said he didn’t pay up. Chris and Dave want to find some new exciting features, so he’s done the old trick of opening the phone lines to allow listeners to think of names for features. Some of my favourites were ‘Dunk Dave, Aleds Salads’ and ‘Kill Will.
The team had marathon superstar and all round British champion Paula Radcliffe on the phone. Her first comment was that she was ‘a bit sore’ (!) after yesterday, as she tried to persuade Chris to do it next year. He didn’t approve of that idea much. She nearly didn’t make the marathon at all due to a girl on a bike running into her. A similar thing happened last year as well, so maybe it’s some bizarre good luck ritual organised by Garry (her husband and trainer – why do all athletes marry their trainers?)? He apparently made some sort of hand gesture at Chris for that comment. Dave and Chris think they should have some sort of on-air competition where the winner gets to mow Paula down for next year. The next three weeks she will be doing no running at all, but will become a normal slob and eating lots of chocolate, as well as having fish n chips for dinner tonight.

Two people ran the marathon from radio one, one in just over 4 hours and the other in 5 hours 22 minutes, both highly respectable times but not quite as fast as Paula’s 2 hours 15 minutes. Chris and Dave want to do the marathon walking and stopping at every pub on the way, a worth goal I’m sure you’ll agree.

Chris played a track from Huey Lewis and the News’s new album, called “I’m not here for a long time, I’m here for a good time” with a sound clip with the same phrase accompany it. Chris got ever so slightly over excited about playing a Huey Lewis track on radio one and started screeching “Alex, oi Alex, head of music, I’m playing Huey Lewis and the News, I’ve gone mad, and you can’t stop me!!!”

Chris Brainstorming (Asking listeners to give them titles and they will think of idea)

Aleds Woo Woo Challange
Slaphead or Slapper
Drill Will
Blame It On Tongy
Wildlife on Will
Bogey Bonanza
Long Dong Ping Pong
Chris' Missus
Walking With Eggs
Ale Stars
Wheres Willy
Luvvly Knockers
Scratch & Sniff
Lick It & Stick It
Spot The Ginge
Vittys Shitty
Farmers & Their Llamas
Stars In Their Bras

Chris was heavy drinking again at the weekend. Former Gym trainer Jane told him that she always knew if he had a drink the night before because his face was more bloaty. A lot of bloat today then as he stayed and drank till 5am. Chris has a new song at Karoake. As you might be aware, Chris loves his karoake and his current favourite is Aint That A Kick In The Head. Chris tried and succeeded with a new song, namely the Tony Christie song Avenues and Alleyways. If you dont know Tony Christie, he was a 60's easy listening crooner from Sheffield who came into the limelight again in 1999, guest singing on The All Seeing I single Walk Like A Panther.
Chris dad has grew a beard and is off the booze for lent, so you could say that Chris drank for both of them. His Dad and his Uncle Jim sang Fields Of Athenry (Irish song). Chris said he needed to learn 2 songs before going back. Chris wanted Will, Dave and Aled to sing some karoake on the show tomorrow songs that he choosed. Chris wanted Will to sing Windmills Of Your Mind. Will said he felt it was too high. Dave was given Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head. Aled was given Close To You.

Daves Tedious Link
Coldcut Doctorin The House - Yazz guest vocalled that track - Yazz was tall as is Geoff Capes - Capes are worn by Superheroes - Most superheroes can fly unlike Mr T - Mr T is scared of Air travel as is Jo Whiley - Wil E Coyote is the arch nemesis of Roadrunner - Road runners dont get much better than Paula Radcliffe who shattered the world womans marathon record yesterday with the stunning time of 2 hours 15 minutes and 25 seconds - 2 hours 15 is roughly the amount of time you spend in the cinema based upon you watching an average length film and also taking into account ticket purchase, buying pick n mix and watching the trailers - Trailers of a different sort are what Eminem was brought up in - Eminem knows Dre - Dre rhymes with tray as in Milk Tray - Milk Tray sort of rhymes with Milky Way and the Milky Way is something you have to travel through if you were to say a girl that came from the planet mars to earth - Which links us to Ash and Girl From Mars

Dave asked Chris what year, Chris said 1997 and Dave said correct. In fact they are wrong, it was released in 1995. See, theyve been around longer than you think. Chris said that BA Barracas was scared of flying and Mr T wasnt. Will read out another flaw saying that the Milky Way is the name of our galaxy that contains both mars and earth so you dont have to go through the milky way to get from mars to earth. Dave claimed a technicality.
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