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By Chris

The track listing and artwork for the Chris Moyles Parody Album has been released, the CD will feature the following tracks:

    1. My Parody Album
    2. Lorrydriver
    3. Meat Again
    4. Liar
    5. Funeral Song
    6. The Boy Does Plenty
    7. Barack Obama
    8. Waterproofs
    9. Album Track (feat. Comedy Dave)
    10. Dance Wiv Me (feat. Calvin Harris & Camilla Ice)
    11. Nana Window
    12. I Predict A Diet (feat. Ricky Wilson)
    13. Davina McCall
    14. Jose (feat. Dominic Byrne)
    15. Dicky Tum
    16. Dogs Don't Kill People
    17. Addicted to Plaice
    18. Big Bum
    19. Never Gonna Snow
    20. Last Track On The Album

You can pre-order the album from Amazon now for delivery on November 23rd for only £8.98.

>> Click this link to pre-order The Parody Album <<

Parody Album
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By newsbeat
Great work chris! Read about this on Music4's website. Was listening to the show thismorning, loved what you were saying about the change to the studio.

This is going to have 2 be on my brithday list!

1st post in a thread yay! :D :D :D
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By SCornelius7mufc
I see the Moyles haters are attacking the album by posting 1 star reviews.

Why do people bother searching for things they dont' like... sad existence if you do that tbh.

(Now is there anything Scott Mills related I can post my hatred on..... :D )
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By Johnny 1989
SCornelius7mufc wrote:I see the Moyles haters are attacking the album by posting 1 star reviews.

Why do people bother searching for things they dont' like... sad existence if you do that tbh.

(Now is there anything Scott Mills related I can post my hatred on..... :D )

I think it's time for Amazon & the like to stop allowing people to rate a release until the actual release date, that way you'll get accurate reviews. I mean I hate Jim Davison but wouldn't dream of putting loads of 1 star ratings on his listings.
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By Yudster
Now that was a very enjoyable little video.
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