Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By winker
What Simpsons, or other comedy lines stick in your mind days, months even years after they were uttered?<P>My fav's:<br>It tastes of burning!-Ralph Wiggum from Simpsons<P>Why that Prince Edward he's as thick as a whale omelette-Edmund Blackadder III<P>You're such a shagwit Martin-Matt Malone from Game On<P><p>[This message has been edited by winker (edited 07 June 2001).]
By bald_rick
How about my masters most funniest line-<P>It's about as easy to find as a piece of hay in a stack full of needles.

Sat and today are up

Changes at Radio One

Scott Mills is finally getting a Breakfast Show, a[…]