Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By /\/\onkey
Ever wondered what happened to the bus at the end of the itialian job? Just found this...<P>"Several sequels were proposed to the film, with one beginning where the film left off as Croker and co. escape their predicament by leaving the coach engine running. The engine then uses up all the fuel in the bus's rear-mounted tanks and changes the balance of the bus. "<P>cool. My idea was that, as the back doors were open from emptying the minis out, they were still unlocked. So opening them somehow, either by walking forward letting the gold push them open or otherwise, would allow it to fall out them back thus allowing the gang to escape as the bus would be balanced more to their side. They then could leg it, or go get the gold from the bottom of the mountain.  <P>Though my mate still thinks that they should try and get some rocks from outside to try and balance up the bus.<P> - sorry my conversation with my mate seems to have overspilt on to this post, and if you haven't seen the film (god forbid) you'll not know what the **** i'm on about.<P>Monkey  
By winker
My name is.....Michael Caine, my name is Fred Dinnage, my name is Elton Welsby, my name is Brian Cant, my name is Dickie Davies, my name is Susan George. Now there's target reference.
By Guest
JONNY HOARE FILM BUFF<P>The italian job was meant to have a sequel but it was seen to be politicallly incorect for a bank robber to get away with it. (great train robbery). So all plans for a sequel where shelved

Sat and today are up

Changes at Radio One

Scott Mills is finally getting a Breakfast Show, a[…]