Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By dimtimjim
I'm a firm believer that you can judge someones 'poshness' from the number of toilets/bathrooms they have at home.....

I've come through darker times, and had to work my a$$ of for it, but now I've got 3 (MAXI posh!), how about you lot?
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By dimtimjim
Morning Cat!! Shoot my thread down at the first hurdle.... :D
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By dimtimjim
foot-loose wrote:I have three toilets available for my pissing requirements

1. Glasgow
2. Bathgate
3. Kirkcaldy

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By foot-loose
dimtimjim wrote:
foot-loose wrote:I have three toilets available for my pissing requirements

1. Glasgow
2. Bathgate
3. Kirkcaldy


Fuuuuuuuuck you. Even I wouldn't piss in Kirkcaldy.
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By dimtimjim
Yeah, I know Kirkcaldy well (lorra business meetings over last few years), and share your sentiments!

Sorry FL, no offence intended with my Jock-Jibes!
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By dimtimjim
You'll get ya deep fat fried Mars bar wet....
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By catherine
When I first got with and moved in with Topher he lived in a studio flat and had 2 toilets. We've really gone down in life now.
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By Nicola_Red
We've got two, but one is my flatmate's en suite, so I don't really use it. This is the first place I've ever lived in that's had more than one. My parents still live in the house they bought when they got married, and that just has the one.
By Jill
Most houses being built these days have two toilets minimum. Our house was built about 1899 ish and only has one toilet. Would be handy having two though.
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By MK Chris
foot-loose wrote:Kirkaldy > Milton Keynes

Piss off, Milton Keynes > anywhere in Scotland.
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By MK Chris
Yeah, Bletchley is a mini Birmingham though.
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By foot-loose
Topher wrote:
foot-loose wrote:Kirkaldy > Milton Keynes

Piss off, Milton Keynes > anywhere in Scotland.

Haha, even you don't believe that.
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By chrysostom
she's lying to you. when she says her branch is 'on the street corner' - it's her way of offering you the truth, whilst making it a thrilling game for herself - with an element of risk.