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By newsbeat
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By Yudster
More correct though.
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By kendra k
9/11 is the brand though, innit?

I tried to think about life before 9/11 this morning, and it didn't make much sense. Tony Blair seemed alright. I wasn't worried about much. I had charitable feelings for most people. It's not that different now I suppose, though I can't stand Blair anymore.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
I have to say I don't think about it al all or watch the 9/11 porn that appears on the telly this time of year where people get all excited about conspiracy and planes crashing into buildings. What did affect me was a lady on Five Live this morning whose son died and had to come on to talk about some knob in Florida and some people building a Mosque near the site. The poor woman was in tears attempting to answer questions in a compassionate way that even some professional politicians would struggle to answer.
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By dimtimjim
I was in Ibiza (glow sticks and everything!) when this all kicked off. I remember walking past a bar and being curious as to what film they had on the TV.... T'wasn't until the next day when it was all over the papers I realised what it was i'd seen on the telle. T'was truly shocking stuff. And, not trying to suggest i was worst hit by this disaster, but it did result in a 36 hour delay in Ibiza Airport, over one whole day sat in a waiting lounge. Horrible.