Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By foot-loose
Anyone watching? Is it gonna be worth paying attention to? How many of us hate it?

And, cos I'm bored and up for a fight...

... Big Bro or World Cup? 8)
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By chrysostom
Kit Kat.

One of my friends has juicy gossip on Shabby (the lesbian) - she's been out with a few of her friends...but they're all men :O
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By DevilsDuck
women is general are a weird species. big brother sucks cup rules!
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By MK Chris
I'm devastated that it's got to the final series without me knowing anyone and now... well I don't know them but two of them were in the year below me at school.

World Cup.
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By AndyJ
The better half had the BB Launch on so had to sit through it, it was OK, no doubt we will be watching it over the coming weeks. As for the World Cup I couldn't really give a monkeys about it, although I have drawn Cameroon in the sweep stake at work. I hadn't even heard of them before! And no doubt I will end up in a pub somewhere to watch some england games... I will just go along for the beer and for a laugh.

BB = World Cup - not particularly bothered by either but will end up watching both I reckon.
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By MK Chris
AndyJ wrote:I have drawn Cameroon in the sweep stake at work. I hadn't even heard of them before!

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By dimtimjim
Topher wrote:
AndyJ wrote:I have drawn Cameroon in the sweep stake at work. I hadn't even heard of them before!


Yeah, blimey, where were y ou for Italia '90......?!

Oh, and the World Cup is waaaaaaaaaaaaay better than Big Brother. BB might have been better if it too had been every 4 years.....
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By MK Chris
Not only that, but I'd say to have never heard of Cameroon is a breathtaking lack of geographic knowledge.
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By AndyJ
Topher wrote:Not only that, but I'd say to have never heard of Cameroon is a breathtaking lack of geographic knowledge.

But it's not really breataking is it... So I don't know of Cameroon, it's not a place I have ever been or had any dealings about. Why would I have heard of it? Do you know every single country in the world? I doubt it.
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By MK Chris
I'm not trying to have a go, honestly, I just find it difficult to believe that's all. I don't know if I've heard of every country - probably not - but I thought Cameroon was a more well-known one, maybe I'm wrong.
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By DevilsDuck
foot-loose wrote:Cameroon is how Bonanzoid pronounces our new Prime Ministers surname.

you scotchlanders are funny......we pronounce it "smarmy *" down here
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By Bonanzoid
Fook off Foots, your accent is horrendous compared to mine, you damn dirty Weejie.

Any Big Brother or the World Cup? That's like asking to pick between Hitler and Mandela.
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By Walton
Bonanzoid wrote:Fook off Foots, your accent is horrendous compared to mine, you damn dirty Weejie.

Any Big Brother or the World Cup? That's like asking to pick between Hitler and Mandela.

Big Brother being Hitler?

I've been watching a canny bit of both TBH.
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Big Brother has been evicted.

Probably one of my few favourite bits from this year: [The Jaffa Cakes]

(Not Responding)
Bloody crap browser didn't respond so I missed the last post, shoulda copied and pasted, now I'm just plastered. The show of the 'noughties' has come to an end.
Heres not so Nasty Nick being interrogated, drama indeed:

The show that humanised supposed freaks by at least 1% is over. Moyles has always been invited to take part. What a housemate he would've made. You know it.

Goodbye. We are watching no more.

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By MK Chris
Thank * that's all over.