Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By DevilsDuck
welcome to the love room.

One rule no pants!

Anything else is fine!

This room was created in accordance with Zoots wishes and is funded by the foots filth foundation
Last edited by DevilsDuck on Sun Feb 21, 2010 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By foot-loose
The Foots Filth Foundation™ is a non-profit organisation providing physical and moral support in love rooms. The Foots Filth Foundation™ supports the non-pants™ policy.

Terms and Conditions are available from the website.
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By foot-loose
Munki Bhoy wrote:Question. Is that British pants or American Pants?

There are no such things as "American pants". There is such a thing as "Americans being wrong about something else" though.
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By Zoot
Well the Love Room is a little old place where
we can get togetherrrrrr
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By foot-loose
Zoot wrote:Well the Love Room is a little old place where
we can get togetherrrrrr

something something something is as big as a whale...
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By Nicola_Red
Get in my Chrysler, it's as big as a whale.

okay, I'm here, I'm not wearing any pants, what happens now?

(the reason I'm not wearing pants is cos I'm wearing pyjama bottoms, but we can forget about that part if it helps.)
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By DevilsDuck
well, I believe we need to decide if we need anymore rules for the love room.

We need to make sure that A. Everyone is comfortable with the love room and B. That our representative from the FFF is ready for the support (both physical and moral) required from this set of lovers.
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By Zoot
We don't need rules, we need a fruit bowl full of house keys and some tissues. That is all.
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By DevilsDuck
ok well if you wish to be considered for membership of the love nest please post your covering letter here and should the current members deem you appropriate you will be allocated a membership number.

Current special offer:

free membership to the FFF if you sign up by the 22nd of Feb 2010
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By foot-loose
DevilsDuck wrote:ok well if you wish to be considered for membership of the love nest please post your covering letter here and should the current members deem you appropriate you will be allocated a membership number.

Please be aware: You will need to get your covering letter countersigned by your local vicar.
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By DevilsDuck
Also please take time to read the love room regulators bodies (inBed) guide to love rooms entitled 'Love rooms and you - a guide to love rooms....and you'

Chapter 42 - subsection - 'Use of smutty inuendo' and Chapter 1 - subsection 1.1 'Do not take inBeds name in vain' are a must

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By Yudster
*pokes head around door*

*leaves quickly*
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By DevilsDuck
Yudster wrote:*pokes head around door*

*leaves quickly*

*Phew* that could have got messy
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By foot-loose
Yudster wrote:*pokes head around door*

DevilsDuck wrote:Also please take time to read ... Chapter 42 - subsection - 'Use of smutty inuendo'

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By DevilsDuck
foot-loose wrote:
Yudster wrote:*pokes head around door*

DevilsDuck wrote:Also please take time to read ... Chapter 42 - subsection - 'Use of smutty inuendo'


You have not read the chapter then?