Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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This absolutely typifies the fat man Gaunty's blinkered view on the outlook of life.
I know 'The Forum' have done this sorry excuse for a human being to death in an earlier post..
..but.. his pathetic column still hammers (or tries too hammer) Moyles.
Good grief Gaunt. Shape up, we all know your just feeding off the Moyles publicity wagon.
Piss off. Grrrrrrr.

[Title transformed to proper case]
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I agree with your thoughts on John Gaunt.

However, as Ezza has already hinted - please stop writing your thread titles in capital letters. It looks like you are shouting and won't make you very popular around these parts. On top of that, you're less likely to get any decent replies to your topic because the replies will all sound like this one. ;)
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Thankyou for changing the titles, if it was you who did it :)

I can't say I've read anything he's said about Chris Moyles but I hate the way his over-sensationalist columns act as fodder to the 'I'm not racist but...' type of Sun reader. He plays off the premise of 'common sense' journalism - and when talking about the intracies of politics and world events, common sense is a state of mind that should be used very sparingly indeed.

He just gets me angry basically. ;)