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By foot-loose
Parsnip crisps are nice - I wasn't so keen on the beetroot ones. Probably cos my brain keeps telling me its wrong to put something purple in my mouth...
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By Vivienne
I've discovered "Stollen" slices. They are brandy coated (in my desperation for some alcohol). They are actually quite nice.
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By Zoot
so many comments, so little enthusiasm to write them...
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By Bonanzoid
Stollen, is that German? If so, then I have also discovered that, my rents brought some back from Deutschland and it's bloody nice.
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By Vivienne
Yeh, I think it is German. They're nice things. Quite unusual. The birds that I feed outside the house seemed to like them as well.
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By MK Chris
Doesn't it have marzipan in? I don't like marzipan.

I love angel cake.
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By Vivienne
I couldn't taste marzipan, Tophs! I love angel cake as well.
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By Yudster
Mr Yudster makes stollen every Christmas. It's much nicer than the shop stuff.
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By Vivienne
I've discovered Mars Bar cream eggs at lunchtime! Got 3 for 99p. These are yummy, and I highly recommend them.
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By MK Chris
How does that work? Creme Eggs are made by Cadbury and Mars Bars by Master Foods; they're rivals, I highly doubt they'd produce a product in conjunction with each other.
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By Vivienne
Well, I can assure you - I have just eaten Mars Bar filled eggs. They're obviously not created by Cadbury.
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By Zoot
No, they're eggs with a Mars Bar centre.
I read it as a Mars Bar filled with Creme Egg Centre too.
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By Vivienne
You 2 can make it your resolution not to be so tedious in '089.
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By kendra k
viv should have the resolution to make sense in 2008.

i just ate some nerds. they were gross.
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By Yudster
You should try some geeks next, cleanse the palate.
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By Vivienne
Have discovered "Loseley cottage cheese" (with Jersey cream)... this stuff is to die for. mmmmm
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By Yudster
Loseleys only make fantastic things, from their ice cream which is the best in the world to their yoghurts, which are lovely. Even I will eat dairy if its Loseleys!
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By Vivienne
I'd never actually heard of "Loseley" until I visited Tesco yesterday, where I got the cheese!
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By Andy B
My ex would walk across hot coals and broken glass for a tub of cottage cheese and pineapple chunks.....

Horrible yucky food.
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By Vivienne
mmm ... pineapple chunks added in! (begins to foam at mouth). O, and chives! double mmmmm.
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By Yudster
They've been around for ages, one of the first firms to manufacture only from sustainably produced ingredients. The ice cream is amazing, you used to be able to get it in Sainsburys, but its hard to find these days. Try the strawberry yoghurt Viv, its brilliant.
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By Vivienne
Will try the yog. thanx, Yuds.!! By the way, Tesco have a sale of Xmas puddings, if you are a pud fan!
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By Andy B
My mum bought some brandy cream for the Xmas pud at Xmas, it was REALLY strong, I got pissed just from that!

I do like a good xmas pud though.
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By Vivienne
Me too, esp., with pouring cream.