Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Zoot
Ok, my turn.

1.) I've had work published all around the world, including doing some work that was published in an american comic called "strangers in paradise."

2.) I'm absolutely obsessed with Robots, and anything to do with robots. (I mean fictional ones, not the stupid things that look like spacemen and walk through museums...) One of my top 3 films is Robocop. Zoot is a Cartoon character I've been drawing for about 10 years. I really like him and when i get time, i have plans for a one off comic.

3.) I'm part of a film company called Nightshift films, owned by my oldest mate. I'm the designer/art director. We're currently writing our third film.

4.) I play Guitar. Once played in a Blues and Jazz cafe with a sax player, where we made everything up on the spot.

5.) I'm a compulsive worrier. I'm on medication and have been for about 4 years. Something to do with a chemical in-balance I have. Seriously, you'd laugh at some of the stuff I have sleepless nights over.

6.) We once found a dead pipastrel (Sp?) bat on the office floor. I was quite excited, cause I love bats. I wanted to show my girlfriend, so I photocopied it...

7.) My 3 biggest hero's are Slash, Brian May and Jimmy Page. I was once in the same room as all three and didn't know till it was too late. (seriously, Brian May was stood right behind me for an hour before I realised!)

8.) The night I lost my Virginity, I had to stop half way through cause I had a nose bleed :cry:

9.) I Had to put my cat down at the beginning of the year. I cried like a baby for 20 mins.

10.) My girlfriend is the great great niece (or something like that) of Diana Doores
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
*prays that "nose bleed" isn't a euphamism*
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By DemonHorse
1/ I can't think of 10 things I want to list here
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By MK Chris
Zoot wrote:We once found a dead pipastrel (Sp?) bat on the office floor. I was quite excited, cause I love bats. I wanted to show my girlfriend, so I photocopied it...

My dad is into bats, he once founded the North Bucks Bat Group! I quite like them to, we used to go out with bat detectors when I was a kid.

My mum used to do her nut when she found dead ones in old lunchboxes in the freezer.

Can I also add to my list:

11. I will be an uncle soon.
12. I have had lots of weird pets like Stick Insects and Giant African Land Snails.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
This thread does make me feel more interesting.
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By Yudster
I don't want to know that you are feeling yourself, even if it is interesting.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
that doesn't really work.
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By Yudster
Sorry. Its late on a Friday and its been a tough week. I want to go home.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
I want to go somewhere else. anywhere to be honest.
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By Yudster
Oh dear - is that just because of the indoors rain?
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
As with you its been a long week.
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By Yudster
I'm hoping it will rain tomorrow so I don't have to go and watch Mr Y play cricket. I feel so guilty. But tiredness is stronger.
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By MK Chris
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:This thread does make me feel more interesting.

You ought to meet my family, that's a confidence booster for the Hamiltons.
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By S4B
I like this thread I feel like I know you all a little better. ok so my list is quite dull but
1. I am the eldest of 4 children the youngest is 16 years younger than me and everyone thought he was my child
2. I am part Romany - not sure which part tho
3. I'm terrified of moths but love butterflies - moths are stupid and fly at you, they also stay asleep when it's light then when it'd dark they make for any source of light, what's that about?
4. I have a degree in Welsh (a first language degree even though I didn't learn it til I was 12) only did this cos my Welsh teacher told me I'd never pass my O level!
5. I refuse to be beaten see 4 :D
6. I have a sleeping cartoon dragon tattoo on my left shoulder - it took my husband 3 weeks to notice it, shows how little notice he takes of my body
7. I'm rubbish at remembering people's names so call everyone darling, sweetie, sugar, babe or honey - my boss does not appreciate this
8. I have to put kisses at the end of emails and texts
9. I used to be a professional gymnast - but not since I was 9
10. I'm THE most loyal person you will ever meet and will do anything (legal) for anyone which has got me into serious trouble on more than one occasion
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By Console
S4B wrote:I'm terrified of moths but love butterflies - moths are stupid and fly at you, they also stay asleep when it's light then when it'd dark they make for any source of light, what's that about?

Moths navigate at night by using fixed points of light (starlight and moonlight mainly) which are really far away, so as the moths fly around the points of light stay roughly in the same place (relatively speaking). So, when they encounter a near-by light source (like a light bulb or a flame) and fly past it it appears to them as they're going in the wrong direction (because the light has moved relative to their position) and so they change direction to compensate. This eventually leads them to go round and round in circles, constantly compensating for their apparent mis-direction.

So basically, they aren't heading toward the source of light, they're just confused by it.
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By S4B
oh. Thanks Console ur a star. Still don't like them though
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By foot-loose
Console wrote:Moths navigate at night by using fixed points of light (starlight and moonlight mainly) which are really far away, so as the moths fly around the points of light stay roughly in the same place (relatively speaking). So, when they encounter a near-by light source (like a light bulb or a flame) and fly past it it appears to them as they're going in the wrong direction (because the light has moved relative to their position) and so they change direction to compensate. This eventually leads them to go round and round in circles, constantly compensating for their apparent mis-direction.

So basically, they aren't heading toward the source of light, they're just confused by it.

Well there you go, I never knew that. Ive never wanted to know that either mind you, but it may be useful some day.
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By S4B
Day's not wasted if you learn something new
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By timp
1. I'm 17 doing A levels
2. I love good food.
3. I have 2 cats
4. Favourite band Tenacious D
5. Love travelling
6. Love Zelda games.
7. Have a slightly addictive personality
8. I am a quarter French.
9. Erm run out of things already!
10. I'm rubbish at this...

I couldnt do 10 but its better than nothin'.
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By S4B
Aw timp when you're older you'll have more secrets trust me
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By timp
They arent secrets though!
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By S4B
well try adding some secrets in then
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By timp
haha ouy wish S4B :wink:
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By Vivienne
1. I have no brothers or sisters.
2. I speak and read French very well.
3. I pick up foreign languages easily.
4. I took Russian lessons some time back, which went v. well.
5. I once wanted to teach languages.
6. I have nice eyes, and a very direct way of looking at you.
7. I'm insecure.
8. I'm a relationship disaster-area.
9. I can stand next to someone, and pick up on everything about them, including moods, etc.
10. I can be v. seductive.