this is realy wierd
id like to take this chance to say david is gay
bag for balls is all right if not anoying
and im very good at statin g the obvious
im not sure about fowler but his website
is good
this is pointless and i am wierd
big-cheez wrote:I dont do punctuation because i just forget
Console wrote:Bag for balls wrote:I feel like the whole thread was just a dream.............. oh and who's david?
`Who's David?` wasn't a dream, although, like most busted songs, I wish it was.
big-cheez wrote:theres a man ive just found on the internet who will sell me a program for £5 to fix it and it should work because ive used it before
Deadly wrote:Topher wrote:Stuff about Thatcher....
You are a disgrace and I'm looking forward to when someone you respect dies so I can rub your liberal face in it.
Topher wrote:big-cheez wrote:theres a man ive just found on the internet who will sell me a program for £5 to fix it and it should work because ive used it before
Well now you must be lying, if you keyboard is broken like that, no amount of software will fix it.
boboff wrote:so the golf ball had a virus did it ?
Pe nis
Friday is up, and platinum:[…]