Photos done. I looked crap on them and my room was a mess, but hopefully they should turn out ok. I'm in the Sunday Telegraph because I'm going to be on TV soon and also in a book "This New Life". I'm in them because of my work with distributed networks, ideas of digital communism and the future of the internet/world. I'll give you lot more details nearer the time (It's gonna be on BBC2 in about 1 month) - but you better watch me!<P>I'm gonna be in the Sunday Telegraph in about a month as well - an extract from the book with the photos from today inserted in. I'll scan it when I get it because I know you're not readers of the tory broadsheet :) Neither am I - and the issues I talk about in the interview are VERY left-wing (i.e. overthrowing capitalism, digital socialism).<P>the_dr
the video's set,that made me laugh,i don't know why...maybe it's pre-summer exam stress,argh,RE and maths tomorrow. i can't do maths i can do RE,ask my anything about the eightfold path and noble truths etc