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By G-Sizzle
The artist formerly known as Prince has been found dead his afternoon.

How many more high profile deaths will 2016 see??

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By swaddon1903
Frothy Bevvy wrote:I'm going to call it now. Both Prince Philip and The Queen will pass away in this grim year of death.

You were half right with your first prediction...
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By Yudster
And now Prince. Seriously 2016, what the * are you on?
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By MadTheEddos
Victoria Wood struck me as an exceptionally talented comedienne and a lovely person too, as well as having a larger than life presence about her.
Prince's songs provided part of the soundtrack of my childhood(His later ones at least, when he was in his Symbol era, plus the re-release of 1999 to coincide with the actual year) and he had the air of an untouchable living legend too. I'm reminded of how I felt when Michael Jackson died.

RIP. :(

I've always attempted to rationalise and be mindful of the fact that there are a lot of celebrities(Much more in recent years with the influx of manufactured "reality" celebs and suchlike although they arguably aren't comparable to previous generations of celebrities and shouldn't count), they're all bound to pass away at some point, and so we must be bound to lose a legend from time to time...
But * hell, 2016 is stunning me. This is nasty. :-/
By Trigger
Bullseye with Stephen Hawking now that I'd love to see.

And another excuse to post this...

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By Nicola_Red
I'm thinking if I get chance I'll go through some old shows and clip some of the tributes from the past year or two. I'm not sure how much of an appetite there is for clips these days, but still, it's a shame we don't have some of the more recent ones in the vault - Prince and Bowie especially.
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By Nicola_Red
Randomisation20 wrote:Do you know if there are clips of the beginning of the letters feature Dom singing the song etc for the first time etc etc anywhere Nic?

Nah, don't think so. To be honest we've hardly made any clips at all of the Radio X show as they just don't get the downloads anymore. Once on the old show a clip I made had a thousand downloads over a weekend, now weeks can go by and they've barely scraped 100. If you have any idea of the date I'd be happy to clip it though!
By Trigger
Has the Quiz Elephant been killed off from Millionaire??


EDIT - IT LIVES ON! Quiz Elephant bellows out once more, Lord knows Elephants are fighting extinction enough as it is!

Enjoying the shows, but the Tarrant impression MUST stay alive, I don't care how old it is, it never fails to amuse. Ever.
By swaddon1903
Janice Long died over Christmas aged 66.

I don't know if there was any beef between her and Chris Moyles, but he hasn't tweeted anything about this, which surprised me when I think of how much of a radio geek he is.

He has been tweeting about his merchandise being on sale, so it's not like he has been away from Twitter.
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By Snorlax
Just thought I'd add to this legendary thread HRH The Queen

Was a sad day, all hail the King of Tickets forevermore
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