Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By dimtimjim
One of many classic lines.....

I've already ordered the following this morning:

Airplane Box set
Naked Gun Box set
Police Squad Box set

Make sure I have them all in pristine quality. What a guy.......
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By Yudster
The man was a genius. I'm very very sad.
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By dimtimjim
I know..... I'm just sharing the news with workmates. The guy was a legend in his own lifetime. Been looking at his list of films on Wikkiikkii, over 100 films!! A great, great man.
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By Nicola_Red
I have clear memories of my dad watching Police Squad when I was a kid, but I was too young to get the jokes at the time..
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By MK Chris
Leslie Nielsen died? Surely you can't be serious!
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By dimtimjim
Tis ok, but Zoot beat you to it..... (oh no they've died thread)
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By Boboff
Silly me, there I was thinking I was answering Tophers post in this thread.......At no point was I under the impression it was a competition to state the * obvious. Well that being the case you would surely have won that my friend.
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By dimtimjim
Sorry for offending you, i was merely refering to the 'Shirley' line. Considered anger management?!!!!
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By Boboff
I am not offended in the slightest.

I am not angry either.

I understood what you were refering to, a very similar exchange of posts in a different thread.

I was merely, through the medium of sarcasm, pointing out a difference in opinion as to the interpratation of my post and hence your responce.

Your apology is however accepted, and I look forward to a new era in relations between us.

Fondest Regards

Mr B Oboff.
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By Yudster
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By dimtimjim
boboff wrote: and I look forward to a new era in relations between us.

Fair enough, but you're having the wet patch.....
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By catherine
boboff wrote:
catherine wrote:Ha Boboff, this forum is full of picky twats today isn't it?

Oh Yes!

How are you and the little one? Oh and how's Rhuben!

We're great thanks, he is getting very big very fast he's already in 3-6 month clothes at 9 weeks and they don't even look big on him, scary.
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By Ilovematt
nicola_red wrote:I have clear memories of my dad watching Police Squad when I was a kid, but I was too young to get the jokes at the time..

Love Police Squad. The standing still at the end for the credits was brilliant.
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By Johnny 1989
dimtimjim wrote:One of many classic lines.....

I've already ordered the following this morning:

Airplane Box set
Naked Gun Box set
Police Squad Box set

Make sure I have them all in pristine quality. What a guy.......

Yep just purchased all three sets myself, the Naked Gun films are great, never seen Airplane or Police Squad unfortunately.

I bet BBC 1 will show either Airplane or The Naked Gun (any or all of the three) over the Christmas period now in tribute to the man.
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By dimtimjim
All the DVD box sets have DOUBLED in price since yesterday..... Was £4.95, now £10.95....
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By dimtimjim
Yeah, I looked there after i'd posted about the price hike..... Damn you Toph, i'd have got away with that otherwise....! :D
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