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Which is the best song from 1977?

David Bowie - Heroes (charlalottie)
Black Betty - Ram Jam (nade)
ELO - Mr Blue Sky (bmstinton93)
Queen - We are the Champions (Sidders)
DeEtta Little - Gonna Fly Now (boboff)
No votes
The Eagles - Hotel California (DevilsDuck)
The Jam - In The City (Yudster)
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Fleetwood Mac - The Chain (Zoot)
Kansas - Carry on my Wayward Son (Bonanzoid)
10cc - Good Morning Judge (Topher)
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Rod Stewart - You're in my heart (Munki Bhoy)
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Stranglers - No More Heroes (Johnny 1989)
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By Yudster
From the Album called Rumours. Fleetwood Mac have produced more than one "best of" compilation over the years, but I never understood why - the very best of Fleetwood Mac (some might say ALL the best of them.....) is on that one album anyway.
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By MK Chris
Um... so which song did you know?
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By dimtimjim

Don't get me wrong, I know all of those artists (except that DeEtta one) but when reading the song names, none of them brought a tune to mind, except Queen, so that got my vote. Had i the inclination to research them FwM may have got the vote, purely for services to F1, but hey-ho....
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By Yudster
Research? All you had to do was click on the You Tube links......!
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By dimtimjim
Ditto inclination comment..... Don't you know i'm busy at work here!! :D
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By MK Chris
But Hotel California? Hello? That's a very famous track, I'm genuinely astonished that you haven't heard it.
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By dimtimjim
Prob would know tune if I heard it, but cannot think of it off top of me 'ed..... 'Old on.....
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By dimtimjim
Yep, knew that one too, but would 'ave still voted Queen.

Lesson learned, look into it more thoroughly before voting.....
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By Senninha25
Topher wrote:I'm amazed that he wouldn't know the name of the song, especially given that he's shown an interest in the F1 thread.

there's an F1 thread here? excuse me. *runs off in search*
by the way, I think this season's finale goes very well with the tune I voted for. Specially the bass line bit :X
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By dimtimjim
Senninha25 wrote: there's an F1 thread here? excuse me. *runs off in search*

indeed there is, although quite disappointingly there is no MotoGP thread.....
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By Boboff
Well that surprices me, Zoots choice only has one decent "riff" right near the end for about 20 secs, the rest of the song is not very good at all.
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By Sidders
bmstinton93 wrote:Had you never heard of Mr blue sky either?!

My best mate knows quite a bit about music and didn't know that song. I was appalled.
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By dimtimjim
boboff wrote: only has one decent "riff" right near the end for about 20 secs, the rest of the song is not very good at all.

Wasn't gonna be the first to say it, but since you have......
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By Zoot
boboff wrote:Well that surprices me, Zoots choice only has one decent "riff" right near the end for about 20 secs, the rest of the song is not very good at all.

Are you kidding? The whole song is an emotional masterpiece which builds up to a fantastic finale.

Your comment is like saying "Stairway to Heaven - It's a bit long isn't it...."

Bah, you disappoint me..
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By Boboff
You like your guitar, you know how hard it is to play certain pieces, I don't. Rolf Harris did stairway to heaven didn't he? That wasn't all that long.......

I voted for my favorite, Black Betty, you see I have no taste, it shouldn't be a disapointment or a surprise!
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By Yudster
Black Betty was a brilliant track.
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By MK Chris
Whilst I love ELO and think they're brilliant, you are wrong.
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