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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Listened to his show this morning and it sounds like he is quite ill - anyone heard any more about it?
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Yeah I saw that its all guesswork. Just hints on his show at it and a whole phone in on what voice you would have if you could change it for any other in the world. He is a radio genius I really hope its not so bad.
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By Ilovematt
Thats such sad news if its true. I loved Danny in Win, Lose or Draw. Fingers crossed he can come through this.
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By fish heads
Sadly confirmed it is cancer - announcement was on Facebook,but also here

Very sad - hope he pulls through. One of the best talents on radio I've ever heard - quite sad that I've only really gotten into him in the past 18 months or so.
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By Johnny 1989
Terrible news, here's hoping Danny Baker makes a speedy recovery, I remember when he did Win Lose Or Draw, Bob Mills was a good replacement but no where near as good as Danny. Hope he gets through this all ok.
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