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By bmstinton93
Zenon wrote:Noticed the Closing Down Sale labels on their windows this morning, how many sports shops do we have to lose?

In my town now all we have is a JJB and JD and a tiny Hargreaves shop which is owned by sports world but its crap and JD is really expensive and JJB is never really that amazing i find
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By Johnny 1989
You should go to Ilford, so far in the last 12-18 Months we've lost Woolworths, BHS, Harrison Gibson, Dolcis, Thomas Cook, First Choice, Half Price Jewellers & Bay Trading Co to name a few. Even some of the pound shops have gone bust as well, and with another Westfield being built in Stratford & Romford's mass improvement Ilford will become a ghost town within the next five years 8O

Our Inter Sport went about 3-4 years ago, I thought they had gone bust in all honest.
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