Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By kendra k
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:Where I live is lovely. The flat I live in would be lovely if it was ever sorted.

When are they going to sort that out? Go live in the field with the sheep.
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By Yudster
This is a silly idea, we have two toilets but only one of them works. And we're really posh.
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By MK Chris
Is that so Mrs Buc... Bouquet?
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By Yudster
If Hyacinth was really posh she'd be "Bucket" and not worry about it. Its only common people who think things like that matter.................
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By Zoot
Milton Keynes is fantastic, It's the only place I know that if a war was ever declared on it you could use tactics straight from Battleships!

"You sunk my Aldi!"
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By Yudster
You discovered that ducks have sex at Willen Lake. And that they can fly.
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By foot-loose
Yudster wrote:If Hyacinth was really posh she'd be "Bucket" and not worry about it. Its only common people who think things like that matter.................

Isn't that the whole joke? Like, literally, the whole joke?
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By Yudster
Yes, but the people who watch that stupid, awful, cringe-making show are common themselves so they don't get it.

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By MK Chris
Yudster wrote:Yes, but the people who watch that stupid, awful, cringe-making show are common themselves so they don't get it.


I watch it and I get it. So there.
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By Yudster
No you don't, you just think you do.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
kendra k wrote:
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:Where I live is lovely. The flat I live in would be lovely if it was ever sorted.

When are they going to sort that out? Go live in the field with the sheep.

God knows. I would live with the sheep but they can't put up with my smell.
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By Boboff
We have 4 Toilets 3 showers and a Bathroom.

And I have all the class of the Love Child of Rab C Nesbitt and Onslo from said keeping up appearances.

I even have Jeremy Kyle on Series link as it reminds me of growing up, I have 4 hoodies and a grade one buzz cut that I do at home.
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By chrysostom
we have 3 full bathrooms (with toilets and showers), and one toilet with handbasin.

i'd say kinda posh.

*tones it down, but not enough to bring up the working class debate*
By Jill
charlalottie wrote:Am I posh because I hated Keeping Up Appearances? I much preferred it when 'allo 'allo was on instead.

I loved Keeping up Appearances. Mostly filmed in Coventry. (usless boring fact but heyho)