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By tizer
At 3:15 i was rudely awoken by a very inconsiderate person crashing his car into the neighbours and my garden walls. i was just wondering, what is the worst way you have been woken up from your much deserved sleep?
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By Yudster
A neighbours car which was parked outside my house exploding would do it for me. Torched by the ex's new man apparently.
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By dimtimjim
Yeah, I was once woken up abruptly when, in a revenge attack, someone had torched the next door neighbors car... My daughter was only young (few months) at the time and the panic that ran through my body that she could be in danger. Obviously all was ok in the end, and needless to say we moved outa that area not long after...! Not wanting to sounds snobby, but i'm so releaved to have moved up in the world now!
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By dimtimjim
Your mum hoovers (other vacuums are available) at 03:15?!
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By dimtimjim
Is that what 'turned' you?!!! :D
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By tizer
Oh lord it just gets better. at 6:30 somebody from the local council decided that they where going to rip up the road, no warnings or anything. I cannot even get into town as the buses use the road as the main through way into various towns. Why on my first weekend off this year, does the world not want me to sleep??????

Ah well i can relax with the f1, yey.
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By Nicola_Red
Probably when my flatmate and I set our alarms for 4.30am on a Monday to get up and watch the final episode of Lost. I still can't believe we were stupid enough to do that on a workday, and yet I don't regret it.
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By kendra k
A raccoon tried to smash my glass door in in an effort to eat my guinea pig at 4am. The next night it had sex against the door. Still annoying, but not so scary.
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By Sidders
I once fell down the stairs in my sleep, but didn't really wake up enough to fully remember what had happened in the morning. Was rather confused when I woke up covered in bruises.
By bmstinton93
We have a house alarm which is on the wall just outside my room and if my Dad wakes up before me he sometimes forgets to turn it off so that's a bloody scary wake up when that happens. Its not quite 3:15 but it scares the shit out of me!