Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By lyndononline
Hi guys,
I have written a song just at home the other day on my day off and decided to go down the route of olympics 2012, anyway the song is called Warriors. Its only a rough demo as all the parts are done by me at home in the bedroom but hopefully it'll create enough interest to get recorded and produced properly. Anyway the link is

Picture it played by national orchestra, backed by welsh choir and Londons marching band, and i truly believe it will have such a national feel!

Even if mine doesn't get used i would like there to be a song that was made by just someone at home to show that dreams come true and to inspire creativeness

Hope you like it. If you don't no worries. But if you do please join facebook group 'The warrior song - Olympics 2012'
Last edited by lyndononline on Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:20 am, edited 3 times in total.