Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
foot-loose wrote:Am I allowed in this thread?


Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:After you put your penis in the cat and didn't like it?

I would say no, they are talking about putting penis in pussy and we know how that offends you!
DevilsDuck wrote:
foot-loose wrote:Am I allowed in this thread?


Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:After you put your penis in the cat and didn't like it?

I would say no, they are talking about putting penis in pussy and we know how that offends you!

True. I broke out in hives last time. :?
DevilsDuck wrote:now we are moving on to bee's. this is just getting silly, they only have a little prick

Were you drunk last night?

Johnny 1989 wrote:
DevilsDuck wrote:now we are moving on to bee's. this is just getting silly, they only have a little prick

Piers Morgan has to be the biggest prick to have the smallest prick, probably.

"Prick" isn't a strong enough word for that despicable man.
foot-loose wrote:
DevilsDuck wrote:now we are moving on to bee's. this is just getting silly, they only have a little prick

Were you drunk last night?

Johnny 1989 wrote:
DevilsDuck wrote:now we are moving on to bee's. this is just getting silly, they only have a little prick

Piers Morgan has to be the biggest prick to have the smallest prick, probably.

"Prick" isn't a strong enough word for that despicable man.

How about biggest * with the smallest prick then :lol:
foot-loose wrote:I've used that word to describe him in the past but I'm still not satisfied.

Absolutely, to quote Rimmer (probably slightly incorrectly here):

Rimmer (to Morgan): You are a total, total... a word is yet to be invented to describe how totally whatever-it-is you are, but you are one. And a total, total one at that.